Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

For children diagnosed with autism, their surroundings play a crucial role in determining their sense of ease and overall health. Extensive research has delved into the correlation between color and light and the well-being of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In this article, we’ve compiled key insights from these studies.

Enhancing Interior Spaces for Children with Autism: A Guide to Color and Light

We were intrigued by the discoveries unearthed in these studies and felt compelled to share them. We aim to equip architects, designers and business owners who are creating autism centers, ABA therapy facilities, and other spaces dedicated to those on the spectrum. We hope these valuable insights help to craft environments better suited to the needs of these children. Read on for more.

Understanding Autism

Autism is characterized by difficulties in social communication and interaction. People with autism may also have sensory sensitivities, making them particularly sensitive to stimuli in their environment, such as colors and lights.

Light and Color on the Autism Spectrum

In a recent study by Sardar S. Shareef and Guita Farivarsadri titled “The Impact of Colour and Light on Children with Autism in Interior Spaces from an Architectural Point of View” [1], the role of color and light in interior spaces for children with autism was investigated.

Key Findings:

  1. Color Preferences: According to the study, neutral colors like grey, green, blue, and white were generally preferred by children with autism. Bright colors like red and yellow were found to have adverse effects on them.
  2. Light Preferences: Natural light was favored whenever possible, while artificial lighting, especially fluorescent lights, was generally disliked due to flickering and negative effects on perception.

Grey color has no effect, either positive or negative, on those with ASD. White colors if used alone were found to have a negative effect.

Preferred lighting techniques to be used in spaces for people with autism include more natural styles of lighting:

  • Indirect sunlight, controlled with the use of curtains
  • Indirect tungsten lighting
  • Indirect white LED light
  • Use dimmers to control artificial lighting

A study conducted by Marine Grandgeorge and Nobuo Masataka on “Atypical Color Preference in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder” [2] has similar findings. This study provides valuable insights into the atypical color preferences of children with autism spectrum disorder.

Children with ASD exhibited distinct color preferences compared to children with typical development (TD). While TD children showed a typical preference for red and blue, boys with ASD displayed an aversion to yellow and a heightened preference for green and brown. These differences were consistent across different age groups within the ASD population.

Example of an ABA therapy center with underwater theming.

The aversion to yellow in children with ASD may be linked to their heightened sensitivity to sensory stimuli, particularly luminance. The preference for green and brown aligns with anecdotal reports and may reflect a unique perceptual experience in children with ASD. Neurological explanations suggest disruptions in color processing pathways, contributing to these atypical preferences.

To add on to these findings, another study, “A case study on the effect of light and colors in the built environment on autistic children’s behavior” [3], found that the sensitivity of autistic children to colors plays a crucial role in their perception and interaction with their environment. Research suggests that the choice of colors in interior spaces can significantly impact their mood, behavior, and learning outcomes.

By incorporating autism-friendly color palettes such as pastel shades and muted tones while avoiding bold and bright colors, indoor environments can be designed to provide a soothing sensory experience for autistic individuals.

This study also explored how visual aids like landmarks and color-coding can simplify navigation for autistic individuals. Researchers observed children’s behaviors in their classrooms beforehand. Implementing a simple navigation system with color-coded paths can make it easier for visually sensitive autistic individuals to move around without fear. Also, colorful mats were utilized to create color shapes on the floor, enhancing the accessibility and navigability of areas for autistic children.

Church classroom signs with animal themed rooms.

What Are the Implications for Designers

  • Use neutral and muted colors, avoiding bright and saturated hues.
  • Prioritize natural lighting and minimize the use of fluorescent lights.
  • Consider the use of color coding in wayfinding solutions.
  • Consider the individual needs and sensitivities of each child when designing spaces.

Children’s spaces are meant to be colorful, and when crafting a business tailored for children, embracing vibrant and playful colors becomes essential for creating an inviting and engaging environment. If your space caters to all children, you don’t have to be scared of yellows, pinks, and reds! Whether it’s a daycare center, a toy store, or a children’s clothing boutique, incorporating bright hues and cheerful designs can captivate young imaginations and foster a sense of joy and excitement.

However, when creating specialized spaces for children on the spectrum, it’s important to be mindful of color and its effects. Designers should prioritize light, color, and space considerations in environments that cater to autistic children. By understanding their preferences and sensitivities, architects and designers can play a crucial role in enhancing the well-being and comfort of these children in interior spaces, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all.

Further research and attention to this area are needed to continue improving design practices for individuals with autism.

For our article today, we reference the studies found here:

[1] The Impact of Colour and Light on Children with Autism in Interior Spaces from an Architectural Point of View

[2] Atypical Color Preference in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

[3] A case study on the effect of light and colors in the built environment on autistic children’s behavior

If you would like to learn about creating welcoming spaces for children, check out these additional resources from IDS:

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

8 Color Schemes and What They Mean for Your Office Vibe



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Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

What to Include in Your Perfect Indoor Family Play Area

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is widely recognized as a safe and effective treatment for autism, Down Syndrome, and other diagnoses. Recent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate a 178% increase in school-age children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from 1 in 150 in 2002 to 1 in 54 in 2016″​. This statistic highlights the growing need for effective treatment environments.

As more families seek out centers to help improve the lives of their children who are neurodivergent, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Down Syndrome, it’s essential that organizations are able to provide a customized and low-stress environment for individuals of all ages.

Thoughtful autism therapy center design can play an important role in helping centers create a positive setting for their patients and employees alike. However, did you know that using custom theming can enhance your organization’s business practices as well? Custom theming can become an all-in-one solution to address your organizational goals, whether it be through increasing patient experiences and building retention, expanding your organization’s marketing campaign, or finding ways to build your donor list.

Let’s get into how applying custom theming can address each of these goals.

Enhance Patient Experiences and Build Retention in Your Autism Therapy Center

ASD, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, can be a difficult struggle for children, making the environment and atmosphere in which they receive treatment incredibly important for their overall experience.

Custom theming has become widely popular as an effective way to create a stimulating atmosphere for ASD patients. By using unique decor and furnishings of specific colors, shapes, textures, and sizes that may be beneficial to ASD individuals, centers can truly create a warm and inviting space focused on their individual needs.

Example of an ABA therapy center with underwater theming.
Example of an ABA therapy center with a calming underwater mural.

Furthermore, certain activities such as crafting, playing games, and reading books are personalized to their interests while different aromatherapy techniques like scent diffusing can also have calm and revitalizing effects on ASD kids. Themed centers can make the patient experience more enjoyable and effective for ASD kids allowing them to focus on the genuine care being provided by the staff.

Example of an Applied Behavior Analysis therapy center with underwater theming.
Example of an Applied Behavior Analysis therapy center with underwater theming.

By improving patient experience, you are directly showing your kids, and especially, the parents, that you genuinely care about how the child feels when they’re at your facility.

Example of a physical therapy center with sports themed animal murals.
Example of a physical therapy center with sports themed animal murals.

Custom theming can help enhance not only the experience of their time at your facility but also the outcomes through the practical uses provided by it. In turn, the parents will recognize the effort being put in and be less likely to want to transfer their child to a different location. These parents may also become advocates for your organization and create new potential clients to come to your facility.

Expand Your Organization’s Marketing Campaigns Through Custom Theming Strategies

Custom theming can be an effective way to strengthen the marketing campaigns for autism centers, as it adds a personalized touch that resonates with ASD clients and their families. By carefully considering the tone, logo, visuals, and messaging in their campaign designs and content, ASD centers can create cohesive experiential campaigns that — when paired with content tailored to ASD stakeholders — provide an effective, meaningful approach to outreach. Not only does this help ASD centers build relationships with those they serve, but it further shows commitment to everyone involved in the effort.

Custom theming is not only tied to the marketing efforts of the organization but can provide an opportunity for organic marketing growth, specifically when it comes to user-generated content.

Photo op for customers to promote your business on social media.
Photo op for customers to promote your business on social media.

User-generated content is made up of photos, videos, or public comments made about your organization that visitors have made online. These can provide organic branches for your marketing campaign to help promote your organization, especially if your facility has built-in photo ops within its space. A fun environment can invite parents to take photos of their child within your space and share it online for others to see and potentially tag you within their posts. This can help grow your organization’s marketing effort and provide eyes to your facility.

Ultimately, custom theming offers autism centers a way to differentiate themselves from competitors; create a unique identity; increase brand recognition; maximize engagement; and drive success for both short-term and long-term marketing goals. This leads to our next point…

Enhance Fundraising and Donor Engagement for Autism Support Centers

If your organization is dependent on the charity of others, this is especially important. Having an increase in funding can allow your organization to improve its resources, provide more opportunities, and most importantly, create an all-in-all better experience for your clients attending your facility.

With custom-theming provides a quality patient experience and pairing that with the marketing potential of having a themed design can provide, it can heavily improve the image that your facility outputs. Having a healthy and attractive image will give potential donors a reason to notice and provide support to your facility. Especially showing the amount of effort being put into the betterment of your clients, donors will recognize your hard work and the outcomes that come out of it.

This attention doesn’t stop at only potential donors but can create a spotlight for potential sponsorships from other organizations to help your facility. These sponsorships can create new branches within your marketing campaigns and feed into the cycle of new eyes, new donors, and new improvements to your facility.

Donor wall ready to be filled.

The Impact of Custom Theming on Autism Therapy Centers: A Summary

No matter what size autism center you’re running, the importance of creating a space that considers your individual clientele can have a tremendous amount of positive impact. A comprehensive study found that early intervention programs for very young children with autism, some as young as 18 months, significantly improve IQ, language ability, and social interaction.

Custom theming can provide patients and families with comfort and therapeutic benefits while also furthering your organization’s marketing efforts, and donor list, and building customer retention. Investing in custom theming is an investment in the patient experience and can pay off greatly; just make sure to keep the focus on your key demographics needs when designing your space.

Here at Imagination Design Studios, we understand that custom theming isn’t always easy, so if you’re having a hard time visualizing how this might come together for your autism center or build out work within a budget visit our website to speak to one of our creative consultants today! We are here to help you create an innovative, therapeutic, and welcoming atmosphere for all those utilizing your services.

Dave Nolan, the President of IDS, is a father of two sons, one of whom has autism. While navigating dental and medical appointments, he noticed the heightened stress and anxiety his son experienced when entering unfamiliar environments. This observation led him to wonder, “There must be a way to improve this experience for children in similar situations.” At Imagination Design Studios, our “Why” is driven by our deep belief in the transformative power of positive, welcoming neurodivergent-friendly environments in a child’s development.

Interested in learning more? Check out these related resources on themed environments and their benefits:

5 Ways to Improve Pediatric Patient Experience in Your Medical Clinic

Pediatric Therapy Facility Decor Inspiration

Keep Guests on Track with 7 Types of Fun Wayfinding Signage for Pediatric Healthcare Spaces



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

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Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Places of worship hold a special significance for communities, and churches, in particular, serve as a focal point for spiritual growth and community engagement. One way to enhance the sense of belonging and create an inviting atmosphere for families, teens, and children is by adding themed decor to various areas within the church.

In this blog, we’ll explore creative ideas for incorporating themed decor into different spaces, from nurseries to large gathering areas.

Nurseries and Toddler Room Decor Ideas for Modern Churches:

Creating a welcoming environment for the youngest members of your congregation is essential. Design a nursery room that reflects a soothing and joyful ambiance. By using soft colors, nature-inspired wall decals, and plush seating, you can make the space comforting for both children and parents.

Soothing Church Nap Room for Toddlers

Consider a nap room with a nighttime or space theme. Look for cribs, changing tables, and storage solutions that complement the overall design. Consider safety and functionality when selecting furniture.

A nursery nap room with nighttime woodland mural.

By implementing themed decor such as calming woodland nature landscapes or homey backyard scenes, you can contribute to a serene atmosphere optimal for keeping young children at ease while their parents are at worship.

Innovative Classroom Decor for Church Sunday Schools

For classrooms catering to preschool and toddler age groups, vibrant and educational decor can start to create an engaging learning environment. Consider wall murals that showcase stories from religious texts, interactive learning tools like puppets, easily identifiable room signage, and age-appropriate furniture like durable plastic chairs. This helps create an environment conducive to both spiritual and intellectual development.

View of cozy daycare room with backyard-themed glass window murals
View of cozy learning room with backyard-themed window murals.
Door signage featuring a young raccoon playing a stacking game.

Remember to maintain a balance between aesthetics and functionality, creating a comfortable and safe space for children to both sit quietly for lessons and move about for active play.

Engaging Decor Ideas for Elementary-Aged Learning Spaces in Churches:

As children grow, so do their needs for engaging spaces.

Designing classrooms for elementary-age kids can involve more interactive and dynamic decor. Consider adding vibrant murals, welcoming 3D characters, and play spaces. Popular themes include nature, space, animals, under the sea & jungle, or a specific book from the bible, or characters like Noah on the ark or Daniel in the lion’s den. Themed decorations that align with biblical stories or values can make learning more enjoyable.

Using wayfinding signage that all ages can understand creates a more welcoming environment. Using different colors, themes, and characters in signs and room markers that all ages can understand helps youngster feel confident in navigating their surroundings. Select a color palette that complements the chosen theme. Bright, cheerful colors are often suitable for elementary classrooms.

Incorporate age-appropriate elements like educational games, interactive displays, and comfortable seating to foster a positive and stimulating learning environment. Gaming and activity areas can include slides, play structures, and even video games. More about play areas in a moment.

Create a mascot to help guide little ones. Think of Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales. They are fun and friendly characters that help make bible stories more engaging. Your mascot can appear in 3D or be drawn into murals around your space. They can then be incorporated into activities, booklets, and even church branding to help draw in more families to your child-friendly church.

Themed Ideas for Creating Inviting Teen Lounge Areas in Churches:

The availability of safe gathering spaces for youth and teens is declining. There is a shortage of places where teenagers can socialize without making purchases, exacerbated by “no loitering” policies or signs. In the absence of options like malls or coffee shops, there’s a pressing need to establish inclusive and attractive spaces that welcome teens of all ages. Using theming, you can provide a safe, cool environment for them to hang out, fostering connections amongst their peers.

Use themed decor to separate their space from adult spaces to give them a sense of belonging and ownership over an area. Murals help define that separation and create a cohesive space with bright colors and eye-catching graphics.

Choose flexible and comfortable seating arrangements that allow for group discussions, study sessions, and casual hangouts. Bean bags, floor cushions, and modular seating arrangements can provide a relaxed atmosphere. Design cozy corners or alcoves with soft lighting where teens can unwind and have quiet conversations. Incorporate plush rugs, pillows, and dimmable lighting for a relaxed atmosphere.

Lounge area with built charging station within the desktop.

Incorporate technology into the space with charging stations, Wi-Fi, and interactive displays. This caters to the tech-savvy interests of many teens and provides a space for both socializing and studying.

Design the space to be easily adaptable for events such as game nights, movie screenings, or workshops. Consider movable furniture and versatile decor elements.

By creating a space that aligns with the interests and preferences of teens, and by prioritizing safety, churches can establish an environment where teens feel welcome, engaged, and comfortable. Regularly seek feedback from the teens to ensure the space remains relevant and appealing to the evolving needs of the community.


Enhancing Church Stages and Meeting Spaces with Creative Theming:

Enhancing the aesthetics of your church’s small stage and meeting spaces can contribute to a more immersive worship experience for children.

Choose a theme that aligns with the values and message of the church. It could be biblical, nature-inspired, or community-focused.

Implement branded signage that ties the space to your church. This is a great way to promote the speakers, musicians, and other performances that present at your church on social media.

Set up a music corner with a sound system, musical instruments, or even a karaoke machine. Teens and kids can enjoy music, practice their musical skills, or even organize small performances. This can tie into our next space that needs design consideration.

Multipurpose Church Gym and Activity Space Decor Ideas:

Many churches have multipurpose spaces, such as gyms, that serve various functions beyond just physical activities. Transforming these areas into versatile spaces with themed decor can enhance their appeal.

Utilizing a sliding room divider can help create separate spaces for different activities, such as a gym for fitness classes or sports events and a large group room for gatherings and events.

Murals in these spaces are also a great way to add color and movement to a large bare space.

Designing Engaging Themed Play Areas in Churches for Children:

Adding a play area to your church can significantly enhance its appeal and provide a welcoming space for families. Just as malls incorporate play areas to create a safe gathering spot, churches can benefit in similar ways. A play area fosters a family-friendly atmosphere, encouraging parents to attend services without worrying about keeping their children entertained. It becomes a place where families can connect and build a sense of community.

By mirroring the successful strategy employed by malls, your church can become not just a place of worship, but a vibrant hub for community interaction and growth. Clearly communicate the availability of the play area to parents and visitors. Use signage, announcements, and church communication channels to inform families about these child-friendly features.

Additionally, it offers an opportunity for children to learn in a comfortable and engaging environment, making church services more accessible and enjoyable for the entire family. Providing a designated play area allows parents to participate in church services and events more actively, knowing their children are in a safe and supervised space.

Identify a suitable space within the church for the play area. Consider proximity to the main worship area, ease of supervision, and safety factors. Children can be quite loud when they are playing. A separate room or a space on a different floor may be optimal.

Tailor the play area to cater to different age groups. Include a variety of toys, books, and activities suitable for infants, toddlers, and older children. Slides are great for youngsters to burn some energy, play boards are great for little hands, and video games are great for older kids to learn coordination and problem-solving skills.

Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards and video games.
Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards for toddlers.
Kids playing on wall mounted gaming tablets.

Integrate elements of the church’s mission, values, and teachings into the play area decor. This can include age-appropriate Bible stories, positive messages, or symbols that align with the church’s identity.

Fostering Fellowship with Decor Ideas for Church Community Spaces:

In addition to educational and worship spaces, it’s crucial to have areas where the congregation can come together for fellowship and community building.

Group Lounge Area Decor

Designing lounges or common areas with comfortable seating and themed decor can provide the perfect setting for casual interactions. Consider adding a touch of warmth with inspirational quotes, artwork, or symbols that resonate with the church’s mission and values.

Congregation Refreshment Area

Supply snacks, coffee, and juice to create a place of fellowship where all ages can mingle. Consider organizing the occasional potluck events. After everyone eats, there could be a socializing hour or a small event, like a talent show or guest speaker.

Church Library

Consider establishing a bookshelf or mini library within your community space, featuring a diverse selection of reading materials tailored for different age groups, including children, teens, and adults. While a designated children’s reading area can minimize noise disruptions for adults utilizing the space, there’s also a compelling opportunity to create a unified learning community by encouraging individuals of all ages to read and learn together in a shared space. Seek feedback from your congregation to understand their preferences, ensuring that the design and offerings align with the unique needs and dynamics of your community.

By intentionally designing a community space with the needs and preferences of both young and old in mind, your church can create a welcoming environment that fosters connections and strengthens the sense of community.

Adding Themed Decor to Your Church is Easy

Adding themed decor to a church is a creative way to enhance the overall atmosphere and create spaces that cater to the diverse needs of the congregation. From nurseries and classrooms to large gathering areas and community spaces, thoughtful decor choices can contribute to a sense of unity and belonging. As kids have their “preservice” hangout spot and classrooms become engaging learning environments, the church transforms into a space that nurtures both spiritual and community growth.

Did you find this topic interesting? Here are some related articles for you to explore:

Creating a Sense of Fun and Nostalgia for The Next Generation of Kids

Attract Families to Your Church with Decor for Kids

5 Steps Churches Can Take to Create a Family-friendly Atmosphere

Church Decor Ideas and Tips for Kids

Benefits of Themed Decor for Kids, Your Business, and Staff

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your church into family-friendly sanctuary.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

What to Include in Your Perfect Indoor Family Play Area

Indoor children’s play areas have become a popular addition to a range of family-friendly businesses in recent years. From shopping malls and family restaurants to gyms and fitness centers, airport waiting areas, hotels and resorts, rec centers, libraries, and more, indoor play areas offer a valuable service for families looking to keep their children entertained and engaged. These centers provide a safe and stimulating environment where children can play, learn and socialize, while parents can relax, catch up on work, or simply enjoy some downtime.

Indoor play centers offer an excellent business opportunity for entrepreneurs who are passionate about providing much-needed service to families in their community while generating profit. By offering a fun and safe space for families to enjoy, indoor play centers can enhance the overall experience of their host business and create a loyal customer base.

5 tips for creating the perfect family indoor play area for any size of space or type of business.

1. Plan the Size of Your Play Room Space

Determine the amount of space you have available and how you want to divide it up. Consider including separate zones for different age groups, such as a toddler area and a separate section for older kids.

A play area could be located in a small room off of your main business area, such as in a gym or community center, or in the center of a food court in a larger business like a mall or airport. Let’s look at some examples of what this might look like.

Play Rooms

Playrooms can make great use of vacant store space in a retail location.

Stand-alone Play Areas

Stand-alone play centers are self-contained. Great for hallways or wide open spaces.

Small Play Structures

A smaller fort may be all you need for the space you have available, but it will inspire big imaginations all the same.

Yellow and grey camper themed kids play house.
Rec Center Play Room

2. Safety First for Children in Your Play Area

Once you have a space, safety should be a top priority when designing an indoor play area.

One of the most important aspects of creating a safe indoor play area is selecting the right type of flooring. Soft and cushioned flooring is ideal, as it provides a soft landing surface for children who may trip or fall during play. This type of flooring helps to reduce the impact of falls, minimizing the risk of serious injury.

In addition to selecting the right type of flooring, installing safety gates can also help to prevent accidents and injuries. Safety gates can be used to restrict access to certain areas of the play area to different age groups, such as keeping toddlers out of areas meant for older children.

Using age-appropriate toys and equipment is another important consideration when designing an indoor play area. Toys and equipment that are designed for older children may not be safe for toddlers and can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Make sure to carefully consider the age range of the children who will be using the play area, and choose toys and equipment that are appropriate for their developmental level. We’ll get into more detail about the types of equipment in a moment.

Don’t Forget the Rules

A list of rules for parents and children to follow will also help maintain safety.

Your play area rules could include:

  1. Parental Supervision: Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times while in the play area.
  2. Age Limits: Clearly state age limits for different areas or equipment within the play area to ensure that younger children are not playing on equipment designed for older children.
  3. No Roughhousing: Running, pushing, and other rough play should be prohibited to prevent injuries to children and damage to equipment.
  4. No Food or Drinks: Eating and drinking should not be allowed in the play area to prevent spills and potential choking hazards.
  5. No Shoes: Shoes should be removed before entering the play area to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked in and to reduce the risk of slipping and falling.
  6. No Sick Children: Children who are sick or have a contagious illness should not be allowed to use the play area to prevent the spread of germs to other children.
  7. No Bullying or Harassment: Bullying or harassment of other children should not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the play area.
  8. Clean Up: Children should be encouraged to clean up after themselves and return any toys or equipment to their proper place after use.

3. Choose the Perfect Theme for Your Indoor Play Area

Having a theme helps create a cohesive and professional look to your play area, plus it is great for branding and advertising.

Your theme can be based on fun colors. It can be an out-of-this-world space or fantasy adventure. If you’re located in a coastal mountain town or a desert city, you can use your local flora and fauna to inspire you.

For example, the Westshore Town Centre shopping mall takes its name to heart, with a selection of shoreline-themed play structures including a climbable soft play bear catching a salmon, a whale tail slide, a lighthouse with a wheel that spins the light, plus so much more. This centerpiece play area reflects the brand of the mall along with the local landmarks guests are familiar with.

4. Select a Variety of Age-Appropriate Activities for Your Play Area

Select activities that are suitable for the ages of the children who will be using the play area. For example, a toddler area could include soft play mats, low-height slides, and ride-on toys, while an older kids’ zone could include climbing walls, ball pits, and interactive video games.

Hands-on Play Options

Hands-on play is great for younger kids as it helps develop fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and social skills as children interact with others. Hands-on play options could include Keebee playboards, sensory tables like bead maze tables or magnetic activity tables, large puzzles, building blocks, and coloring areas with markers and crayons.

Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards and video games.
Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards for toddlers.
A seaplane that allows kids to turn the wheel and use their imagination.
Giant foam play blocks.

Interactive play inspires imagination!

Soft Play Climbable Sculptures

“Soft play” sculptures are typically made from high-density foam that is covered with a durable, waterproof vinyl material. This makes them safe for children to crawl on, climb over, and play with, while also being easy to clean and maintain.

Soft play sculptures come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including characters, slides, tunnels, vehicles, and more. They can be customized to fit any theme or color scheme, making them a popular choice for indoor play areas, daycare centers, and other children’s facilities.

Soft play foam sculpture slide with a goat sitting on a mountain side.
Soft play foam sculpture slide with a goat sitting on a mountainside.

Because soft play sculptures are soft and squishy, they are less likely to cause injury than traditional play equipment made from hard materials like metal or plastic. They can also be used to create obstacle courses and other interactive play experiences that promote physical activity and imaginative play.

Contemporary style, woodland-themed wall murals with deer, birds and squirrels.
A mall play area filled with soft play sculptures for children to interact with.


Slides are a popular and fun form of active play for children of all ages, and even adults can enjoy them. Sliding down a slide can provide a sense of thrill and excitement, as well as help to develop physical skills such as balance, coordination, and gross motor skills. And they’re just plain fun!

Yellow slide on a pirate ship themed play structure

Ball Pits

Playing in a ball pit provides a tactile and sensory-rich experience, which can be beneficial for children with sensory processing difficulties. The feeling of sinking into a pit filled with soft, squishy balls can be calming and regulating. Let’s not forget that a ball pit is simply a fun and enjoyable experience for children. It can provide a break from structured activities and offer a chance to dive in and laugh to their heart’s content.

Climbing Structures and Ropes

If your facility has the capability and space to incorporate climbing structures, tunnels, and rope courses, these can offer an exciting and engaging way for children to develop essential gross motor skills such as coordination, balance, and strength. Not only do climbing structures provide a safe environment for children to take risks and explore their limits, but they also foster the development of confidence and self-esteem as they navigate through the structures under supervision.

Video Games

While some parents may go to play areas to avoid digital stimulation, adding video games to an indoor play area for children can provide a number of benefits and can engage kids of different ages.

As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in daily life, offering video games in a play area can provide children with a chance to become familiar with and comfortable using technology in a safe and supervised setting. Many video games require players to use hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills, which can help develop these skills in children.

Kids playing on wall mounted gaming tablets.

Offering video games alongside other play options like climbing structures, ball pits, and sports activities can provide a generous range of play activities for children and keep them entertained for longer periods.

If you want the best of both worlds, a great alternative is floor-projected video games. These games encourage active participation by inviting children to jump and stomp on animated bugs, balls, and lily pads that are projected onto the floor.

An underwater themed reception area with a sculpted cave featuring a floor projected video game for kids.
An underwater themed play area featuring a floor-projected video game for kids.

TVs and Theaters

While adding a TV to a play area can provide entertainment for children, it may not offer the same developmental benefits as active play options. However, it could be a viable addition to a play area depending on the needs of the business and the interests of the children. If children are tired from play but not ready to leave yet, it provides a quiet alternative for those taking a break.

Photo Op Characters and Backdrops

Parents are all about capturing fun and special moments with their children as they play. Providing the perfect photo opportunity for them is a bonus for parents and an even bigger bonus for your social media.

Parents who take and share photos of a fun day at your play park are creating valuable user-generated content that helps promote your fun services. Include your name, your logo, or even encourage the use of a hashtag to make the best use of this content.


5. Consider These Essential Additions to Enhance Your Indoor Play Area

Add Signs for Wayfinding and Instructions

An important part of any play area is letting people know you have it, where to find it, and how to use it (like the rules sign mentioned earlier). Signs can come in a variety of shapes and styles, from 2D to 3D.

Signs can also include your logo, hours of operation, and other useful information, like where the bathroom is located.

Keep it All Clean with a Shoe Rack

Adding a shoe rack outside your children’s play area can have several benefits:

  1. Keeping the play area clean: Children can bring dirt, mud, or other debris on their shoes when they enter the play area. By having a shoe rack outside the play area, you can encourage them to take off their shoes and leave them outside, which can help keep the play area clean and safe for children.
  2. Preventing slips and falls: Wet or muddy shoes can make the floor slippery, which can increase the risk of slips and falls. By leaving shoes outside, you can prevent these accidents from happening and keep your children safe.
  3. Encouraging organization: A shoe rack outside the play area can encourage children to take responsibility for their belongings and keep them organized. It can also make it easier for them to find their shoes when they need them.

Provide Comfortable Seating for Parents

Make sure to include comfortable seating for parents or caregivers to relax while the children play. Consider adding tables and chairs for snacks or drinks. If food is not allowed near the play area, consider adding a seating area nearby where the play area can still be observed.

Providing seating areas can create a social atmosphere for parents and caregivers to interact with one another. This can lead to new friendships and a sense of community.

Plan for Stroller Parking

Families with children of all ages will want to come to your play area. Make it as convenient as possible for them by providing a space for them to store their bulky strollers.

Providing a designated space for stroller storage can help eliminate any potential hazards or clutter that may disrupt the play area. Having a safe and easily accessible place to store strollers also makes it more convenient for families with young children, as they won’t have to worry about maneuvering a bulky stroller through a crowded play area.

Follow This Guide to Create the Perfect Indoor Family Play Area

The benefits these play areas can offer parents and kids alike make them invaluable. Now that you have this information in mind, why not consider creating one at your own location? With this list you should be on your way to making an amazing play area for children in any business or location. So don’t hesitate, let the kids go play!

Want more resources related to this topic?

The Secret to Attracting Young Families to Your Shopping Center

Playful Photo Op Inspiration

Play Areas & Kids Clubs

Don’t know where to start with creating your indoor playground? One of our Creative Consultants would love to help. Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your facility from a mundane to a magical guest experience.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

How Creative Decor Can Benefit Pediatric Therapy Clinics

In pediatric therapy clinics, creating a welcoming and comforting environment is crucial for helping children of all ages feel at ease during their treatments. Incorporating unique elements like colorful murals, age-appropriate activities, and engaging furniture pieces can not only create an inviting atmosphere for patients but also elicit positive outcomes.

But the benefits of a well-designed therapy space go beyond just the patients.

By creating a fun and engaging environment, you can boost morale and productivity for you and your staff.

A well-branded space can help promote your business and services to potential clients and donors, giving you a marketing boost.

Investing in the design of your therapy space can be a powerful way to enhance the visitor experience for everyone involved.

In this article, we’ll explore why adding creative decor is beneficial for pediatric therapy practices, as well as how you can start incorporating them into your own clinic today.

Engage Pediatric Patients with Creative Visuals in Therapy Spaces

In the world of pediatric therapy, creating a welcoming and engaging environment can be just as important as the therapy itself. By incorporating friendly visuals into your therapy space, you can create an atmosphere that is inviting and reassuring for your patients.

Fun decor can include anything from colorful murals and wall art to mascot characters to playful and age-appropriate toys and games.

The goal is to create an environment that feels safe and familiar to children, which can help to alleviate any anxiety or apprehension they may feel about their therapy sessions.

Creating a comfortable environment is essential to providing exceptional care in any healthcare setting, and this is especially true for pediatric therapy clinics. With kid-centric decor, you can create a safe space for children to receive their treatments without feeling overwhelmed by the clinical atmosphere of a traditional healthcare facility.

By adding decor that is specifically designed with children in mind, you can create a space that is safe and welcoming for your patients. Utilize furniture that is child-sized, colors that they enjoy, and toys made for their development stage

Additionally, custom theming can further enhance the experience, creating a sense of wonder that can help ease anxiety and create a more relaxing atmosphere. Theme parks and play areas use theming to transport children to magical environments. Medical facilities can do the same!

Personalized Touches in Pediatric Therapy Environments Make Your Space Welcoming to All

Personal touches can create a sense of community and belonging within your clinic. Donors, clients, and staff can all feel a sense of pride in being part of something positive and impactful.

Honor Contributions with a Donor Wall

A donor wall can recognize the people and organizations that have made contributions to your business. By prominently displaying the names and logos of your donors, you can create a sense of pride and ownership among your supporters, which can help to deepen their connection to your organization. In turn, this can lead to increased word-of-mouth referrals and positive reviews, which can help to attract new clients and donors.

Additionally, a well-designed donor wall can serve as a powerful branding tool, conveying your organization’s values and vision to potential clients and partners. A creative donor wall is a great way to add decoration and meaning at the same time.

Newly installed donor wall at the facility for children with autism.

A well-supported facility is attractive to parents. If they know their children will have additional funding and support, they will be more willing to trust your level of care.

Ultimately, adding an attractive donor wall to your facility can help to build trust, inspire loyalty, and create a sense of community, all of which can be invaluable for growing your business and achieving your goals.

Celebrate Success Stories with Custom Decor

Success stories can inspire and motivate your clients. Seeing examples of other people who have overcome similar challenges can help clients believe that they too can achieve success.

By showcasing success stories and highlighting the accomplishments of your patients, you can build trust with potential clients. Seeing evidence of positive outcomes can make people more likely to trust in your ability to help them.

Overall, incorporating personal touches into your therapy clinic decor can create a more welcoming and inspiring environment that helps build trust, motivation, and a sense of community.

Design Attractive Pediatric Therapy Facilities to Attract Skilled Staff

Recently, there has been a challenge for many types of healthcare employers in attracting and retaining staff. During the pandemic, many workers in the healthcare industry retired, took jobs where they could work from home, or switched career paths entirely.

Businesses need to stand out now if they want to attract staff. An attractive office that shows it cares about the comfort of children will stand out to those who want to go above and beyond to help children.

Themed decor can even make the day to day jobs of you and your staff easier. By putting young patients at ease, appointments become easier, children become more cooperative, and the stress of a combative patient is no longer a daily battle for your employees. Children are excited to come to your space.

Your office atmosphere can have a direct impact on the appeal your employees have towards coming to work. Just like you don’t want to go home to a cold, clinical room, your employees don’t want to walk into a workspace that isn’t inviting. Workers spend a majority of their day on the job, make that space an enjoyable one to be in.

From Mawish Baber, the operations director at the Andalusia Clinics for Kids Wellness:

Hiring pediatricians is no longer a challenge – once they set foot in the facility they want to work here because the decor speaks to our philosophy and dedication to helping kids.

Savannah-themed wall murals, sculpted hippo character wearing medical scrubs and contemporary trees for children's hospital unit desk.

Or consider what it’s like for an interviewee to walk into a vibrant and exciting reception area with a parachuting gorilla to welcome them.

My first expression walking into my office for an interview was WOW!! I wanted the job at first sight just by how the office appeared.

– Candace Chavez, Practice Administrator

When you have a unique space, people will fight to work in one of your themed offices.

Brand Your Pediatric Therapy Clinic with Distinctive Decor

Tell Your Brand Story with Visuals

Your brand is the thoughts and emotions that consumers have when they think of you, and this includes your physical environment. Parents are looking for a wonderful care facility, one that is not only providing the best quality of life for their children, but that is fun and friendly and that their children enjoy visiting. Prove to parents that you fit this description with a friendly, caring, kid-focused brand – showcase your ability to ensure every child feels safe, secure, and supported with an environment tailored just for them!

Immersive and cohesive decor with a theme appears more professional and thoughtful than a few touches here and there.

Promote your environmental brand by taking photos of your therapy spaces and decor and make sure they appear in your Google business listing, your website, and of course, on your social media.

Social media is key! The big social media platforms are focusing on video and photos, rather than text.

More and more advertising your business is about visually stimulating content. Showing off your beautiful, kid-friendly facility in office tours and photos will make you stand out from a cold, clinical competitor. By incorporating your clinic’s branding into the furniture and accessories, you can create a cohesive and recognizable look that reinforces your clinic’s identity and makes a positive impression on patients and their families.

Whether you focus on pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy, or speech-language pathology, the physical space you work in should resonate with children.

Great Decor Leads to Positive Reviews and Referrals

Even better for promoting your business are positive reviews and referrals. When patients feel valued and supported, they may experience an increase in self-confidence and resilience which can lead to greater success in their rehabilitation.

Furthermore, research has shown that providing a nurturing environment during each session leads to higher patient satisfaction rates, which will result in happier parents more willing to share your business with others.

The Impact of Therapeutic Decor on Pediatric Patient Care

Custom themed environments for therapy centers are one of many tools available when it comes to creating an inviting and stimulating environment for pediatric therapy clinics and their patients. The use of bright colors, engaging visuals, and personalized touches has been proven to improve patient morale while also providing comfort during medical treatments.

For these reasons and more, custom theming should be considered an important part of any successful pediatric therapy clinic’s approach to caregiving!

Interested in learning more? Check out these related resources on themed environments and their benefits:

5 Ways to Improve Pediatric Patient Experience in Your Medical Clinic

Pediatric Therapy Facility Decor Inspiration

8 Color Schemes and What They Mean for Your Office Vibe

Improve the Experience of Pediatric Therapy Patients with Fun Decor

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to a magical patient experience.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Tips for Creating a Presentation Area in Your Children’s Library

A library’s storytime area or presentation area is a great space to engage with your community and draw attention to your library. Having exciting decor in a library’s interior area can be a great way to appeal to kids and families. Kids will be excited to attend events and visit the library knowing that it has a space built for them.

Here are ways you can enhance your presentation area and leave an impression on your visitors.

Choosing the Ideal Space for Your Library’s Children’s Presentation Area

When selecting a space in your children’s library that can be dedicated to presentations and storytime with kids, there are several factors to consider to ensure it is appropriate and functional for the purpose.

Firstly, it is important to choose a space that is easily accessible to visitors, especially families with young children where stroller parking space is a factor to consider. Consider a location that is on the main floor, near the entrance, or in an area with high traffic. This will help to increase visibility and encourage visitors to use the presentation area.

Secondly, the space should be visible from various parts of the library. Choose a location that is visible from the circulation desk or other busy areas, such as the children’s section. This will help to promote the use of the presentation area and ensure that visitors know where to go for events and activities.

Thirdly, the space should be large enough to accommodate groups of children and their caregivers comfortably. Consider the average size of groups attending events, and ensure there is enough seating and floor space to accommodate them.

Finally, consider the acoustics of the space. Make sure that it is quiet enough for presenters to be heard without distraction, while also ensuring that it is not too quiet that it dampens the energy of the events.

Comfortable and Inclusive Seating Options for Library Storytime Areas

It’s important to choose seating options that are comfortable for children and their caregivers. Plan for all ages, from toddlers to grandparents. Floor cushions, bean bags, and kid-sized chairs are great options for children, while adult-sized chairs or benches are suitable for caregivers. You may also want to consider providing some tables for children to use for drawing or other activities during events.

The seating arrangement should be designed to allow for optimal viewing and participation. Consider a semi-circle or U-shaped seating arrangement, which allows for good visibility and participation for all attendees.

Adding a small stage or podium can create a focal point for presenters and make the presentation area feel more professional. A podium or stage can also make it easier for presenters to be heard and seen by the audience, especially if the space is large or if there are distractions from other library activities.

By considering the seating and layout of the presentation area, you can create a comfortable and engaging space that will encourage children to participate in literacy activities and events and promote a love of reading.

Enhancing Library Presentation Areas with Essential Multimedia Tools

Adding multimedia equipment to a presentation area in a children’s library can greatly enhance the experience for attendees and presenters. Equip the area with multimedia tools such as a projector, screen, TV, and sound system equipped with a microphone, so that presenters can easily share visual aids, videos, or music with the audience.

If you can, add lighting or a spotlight to draw attention to your presenter.

By equipping the presentation area with multimedia tools, the library can create a more professional and polished environment for events and activities. This can help to attract high-quality presenters and improve the overall reputation of the library.

Creative Decorating Ideas for Inviting Library Presentation Spaces

Make the presentation area visually appealing and inviting for children by adding colorful artwork and murals.

Using Creative Backdrops to Transform Library Presentation Areas

Consider using creative backdrops within your decor to really set the scene at your presentation area. Depending on the atmosphere that your library is going for, you can have anything from abstract, contemporary art to fun and whimsical pieces on your interior walls.

theater themed selfie stage in pediatric dentist office

These unique pieces can also create fun backgrounds for photos that you or your visitors can use on social media when not in use.

Create Wonder in Your Library Presentation Area with a Theme

Consider choosing a theme that reflects the library’s mission or focus, such as nature, animals, or a specific literary genre. This can help to create a cohesive and visually appealing space that ties in with the library’s overall brand. Theming is also a great way to immerse your guests and keep them engaged during presentations.

Themes can include having a woodland forest theme and surrounding your guests with the beauty of trees and the natural environment, allowing them to stay connected to nature indoors.

Or transport children under the sea with a sunken ship presentation area with sharks and fish eagerly watching the speaker.

Having a unique theme and characters that come with it can create a central landmark for your space and help focus attention on your little ones. These spaces can also be talking points for your presentees to help break the ice with their audience.

There are many ways that a library can add exciting, themed decor to its presentation area to appeal to kids and families. Creative backdrops, unique murals, and creating wonder are great ways to begin crafting the environment that you and your visitors will enjoy. With unique environments and themed spaces, your library will be filled with eager visitors and, even better, eager readers.

Engage with the Community in Your Library’s Presentation Area

Ultimately if you want to build an amazing presentation area in your library, you need to engage the community. People are what makes your library a success!

Involve local schools, community groups, and parent organizations in the presentation area’s activities to build partnerships and strengthen community engagement. Plan regular events and activities, such as author visits, book clubs, storytelling sessions, or craft workshops, that can take place in the presentation area. Make sure to promote these events through your library’s website, social media, and other marketing channels.

By following these steps, you can create a presentation area in your children’s library that promotes literacy, engages young readers, and fosters a love of learning.

Check out these related resources for making your library an exciting place to learn:

4 Ways Social Media Can Help Promote Your Library

Say Cheese! Playful Photo Op Inspiration

The Benefits of Themed Decor for Kids

Explore Examples of Children’s Library Decor

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your library into a place that captures everyone’s attention!



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

4 Ways Social Media Can Help Promote Your Library

Attract Families to Your Church with Decor for Kids

Churches today are competing for the attention of young families, so it is important that they create a welcoming atmosphere that appeals to children. The good news is that you can attract more families to your congregation by adding child-friendly decor that can turn your location into a destination.

Here’s how using child-friendly church decor like play areas, colorful murals, custom seating, and sculpted characters can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your congregation.

How to Attract Families to Your Church with Decor for Kids

Vibrant Church Murals – Adding Adventure to Children’s Worship Areas:

Vivid colors and cheerful images can instantly brighten up any church space. Consider adorning the walls of your church with colorful cartoons or murals depicting stories from the Bible or other religious teachings.

Not only will these images bring life to the rooms and hallways of your Sunday school or church nursery, but they’ll also provide children with an immersive learning experience as they explore each scene depicted in the artwork.

These murals can be placed within classrooms or hallways leading up to the sanctuary.

Have a large wall, windows, or fence outside your church? A large-scale mural with bright colors and uplifting messages can help set the tone for both old and new members when they enter your church.

An exterior window decal featuring a cartoon jungle scene with gorillas, monkeys, and tigers.
An exterior window decal featuring a cartoon jungle scene with gorillas, monkeys, and tigers.

Creating Engaging Church Play Areas for Children of All Ages:

One way to attract families with young children is by providing an entertaining play area where kids can gather and be engaged in activities during services. You could set up toys, games, and kid-sized furniture for them to enjoy while their parents attend services or classes. This will help grow your children’s knowledge of faith while playfully entertaining them.

Sunday School classroom with woodland murals.
Backyard themed game wall.
Pirate ship kids fort with a custom planked dividing wall accompanied by an underwater themed mural on interior walls
Sunken ship play area.
play tent with slide and medieval elephant guard in kids play area
Tent play area with a slide.

Additionally, if you have special services dedicated solely to children, having a play area can help make those times more enjoyable and memorable. Simple additions such as coloring books or puzzles can be effective when it comes to keeping kids entertained while they wait for service. This not only helps the kids but gives parents a piece of mind knowing that their kids are safe and having fun.

Innovative Church Theater and Presentation Spaces for Engaging Young Minds:

Show families that you are dedicated to educating their children. A special space to watch informative videos (I still remember the excitement of watching Veggie Tales in my childhood) or listen to presenters is a great way to keep the attention of young children.

theater themed selfie stage in pediatric dentist office

Don’t just leave it up to the adults though! A theater or presentation area can be a space where children can express themselves creatively through drama, singing, dancing, and other performing arts. By participating in theater productions and presentations, children can build confidence and develop their public speaking skills, which can serve them well when they are sharing the Word with friends and families.

Cozy Church Seating – Custom Seating Made for Kids:

Custom seating specifically crafted for children can create comfy spots for them during services or classes. These seats don’t have to be expensive—even brightly colored bean bags or cushions would work perfectly!

By providing custom seating, your young patrons will feel included, comfortable, and secure knowing that they themselves have their own special spot during service.

Circular rock cladded stools with vinyl cushions.
Cladded underwater themed bench.

These custom seats can be themed to match bible stories to give your kids a more immersive experience when they attend mass. These seats can also be placed around your church to surprise newcomers and share the family-friendly environment throughout.

Enchanting Sculptured Characters – Enhancing Your Church’s Child Appeal:

Sculpted characters are a surefire way to be whimsical in any space! Whether it’s characters from bible stories or even just friendly animals that reflect your local wildlife, placing sculptures around your church will help make it more inviting for younger members of your congregation.

Are they reading about Daniel and the lion’s den?

Even better, these characters can act as great social media photo ops, helping to spread awareness of your church online.

Photo op for customers to promote your business on social media.
Photo op to promote your inviting church environment on social media.

Have an open space or a plain parking lot? Consider having a large landmark sculpture outside your church. These large-scale features can draw attention to your church and become memorable.

Giant sculpted whale landmark character on roof of pediatric dental office.
Don’t get swallowed by this giant sculpted whale landmark character!

Key Elements of Successful Churches: Building a Child-Friendly Environment

All successful churches have something in common — they recognize that creating an atmosphere of comfort and familiarity is essential when trying to attract new members.

By adding child-friendly decor, you’ll make your church stand out and also provide a welcoming space for your children to feel excited about the important lessons presented in every church service. This kind of atmosphere makes all the difference when it comes to growing your congregation — so why not give it a try?

Want to learn more about transforming your church into a sanctuary for children? Click here.

Did you find this topic interesting? Here are some related articles on church decor for you to explore:

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Creating a Sense of Fun and Nostalgia for The Next Generation of Kids

5 Steps Churches Can Take to Create a Family-friendly Atmosphere

Church Decor Ideas for Kid Spaces

Benefits of Themed Decor for Kids, Your Business, and Staff

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your church into family-friendly sanctuary.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

The Secret to Attracting Young Families to Your Shopping Center

How do you attract families with children to your mall when online shopping and services like Skip the Dishes make it so easy to stay home? You need to make your mall a destination for young families! The secret ingredient to attracting families is adding a fun indoor play area to your mall.

Play areas are not just fun for kids; they have a number of benefits that can help extend the length of shopping trips, increase foot traffic into your mall, and enhance customer satisfaction. From boosting sales to drawing in new shoppers, the advantages of investing in play areas are clear.

Continue to read on and find out how this one addition can make an impact at your mall!

Play Areas Ensure Your Mall Provides Entertainment for Shoppers of All Ages

Not every kid loves going to the mall to buy new shoes for school or watch mom and dad look at new phone cases. Nothing will ruin a shopping trip faster than a grumpy, fussy child who wants to go home.

Adding a play area can help keep kids entertained during shopping trips, making for a more pleasant and stress-free shopping experience for the whole family. Play areas can range from simple activity rooms full of toys and books to indoor playgrounds featuring slides, tunnels, and mazes. Whether a family is looking for a quiet video game or an energy-burning run-around, they’re sure to find something enjoyable for their little ones.

A stand-alone play structure.
A walled-in activity area.
A room filled with activities for children.

By creating welcoming spaces for children, families can spend more time in your establishment and potentially even make additional purchases. Furthermore, creating a positive experience for families can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, ultimately boosting your business’s reputation and success. Incorporating a play area can transform an ordinary shopping trip into a fun-filled family outing that everyone can look forward to.

Kids will ask to come back again and stay longer!

Mall Play Areas Create Convenience for Your Shoppers

One of the most significant advantages of mall play areas is the convenience they offer to busy parents. By providing a one-stop shop for all their shopping needs, including clothing, food, toys, and entertainment for their kids, parents can easily tackle their to-do list without having to leave the mall.

Additionally, mall play areas provide an opportunity for families to capture precious memories with adorable photo ops of their happy children playing and having fun. This added convenience and entertainment can make a day out at the mall a memorable and enjoyable experience for the whole family.

By creating a space that caters to the needs of busy families, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, which can lead to increased sales and success.


Indoor Play Areas Aren’t Weather Dependant

Too cold to play outside? Too rainy and mucky to go to a playground? Too hot and muggy to run around? No problem!

When outdoor conditions are less than ideal, an indoor play area at the mall can be a savior for parents looking for a fun and safe place for their children to burn off some energy.

An indoor playground not only provides parents with a much-needed break from the confines of their homes during inclement weather, but it can also serve as a unique draw to attract families to your facility during times when they may not have initially planned to visit the mall. By offering an enjoyable and safe environment for children to play, businesses can entice families to spend more time and money at their facility while simultaneously providing a valuable service that addresses the needs of busy parents.

This added incentive can help increase foot traffic, generate buzz, and ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue. Speaking of foot traffic…

Mall Play Areas Increase Foot Traffic Throughout Your Shopping Center

Play areas in malls are becoming increasingly popular as a way to draw in more foot traffic, while also providing families with an enjoyable shopping experience. These exciting destinations can create lasting family memories as well as boost sales at the mall when parents decide to treat their children afterward.

With many large shopping centers focusing on creating cohesive entertainment districts, having play spaces is a great way to appeal to customers of all ages. Play areas are also a great solution for parents looking for ways to manage their children’s energy levels during long shopping trips.

With a fun place for kids to stretch their legs, the whole family can shop together in comfort and convenience. Play areas are thus beneficial for both malls and shoppers – providing an efficient way for malls to increase foot traffic and stimulate more sales.

Play Areas Opportunities for Family Events

A dedicated kids’ area in a mall presents a unique opportunity to create special family events centered around the space. From grand opening parties to special family day events featuring mascots and guest speakers, the possibilities for planning and promoting engaging family-friendly events are endless. By leveraging the appeal of the kids’ area, businesses can create a fun and welcoming atmosphere that encourages families to spend more time and money at their facility.

Anna and Elsa are special guests in this woodland play area.

These special events can be a great way to build brand awareness, generate positive word-of-mouth, and foster a sense of community among shoppers. Ultimately, by incorporating special family day events into their marketing strategy, businesses can attract and retain loyal customers while providing an unforgettable experience for families.

Mall Play Areas Help Build Your Shopping Center’s Brand

Shopping centers could significantly enhance their positive branding by creating indoor play areas. Play areas, including special activity rooms with bead puzzle tables for toddlers and indoor playgrounds with slides for older kids, promote a safe, fun, family-friendly atmosphere. The presence of a child-centric play area can also attract businesses catering to families, who are more likely to rent space adjacent to such a facility. By offering a comprehensive and family-friendly shopping experience, malls with play areas can differentiate themselves from competitors and establish themselves as a go-to destination for families and like-minded businesses.

Not only this, but those adorable photos that parents take of their children playing and having a good time are amazing organic marketing on their own. Branded photo ops and mall signage included in play areas can appear across social media as parents share their day with family and friends.

Mother taking a photo of daughter in a divers suit themed photo opportunity.
Mall logo visible on an airplane play structure.

Play Areas Create a Sense of Community

Play areas in malls offer an optimistic way to build community and strengthen local relationships between shoppers. Parents, particularly those who work remotely or dedicate themselves to raising their children at home, may experience feelings of confinement due to isolation and a sense of being overwhelmed by the constant need to keep their children entertained.

Time to get out of the house…

Having a safe and reliable location where they can plan get-togethers with their friends to have a coffee while watching their kids play together can be a great escape from the routine. Play areas are great spaces for families and friends to connect and come together.

Furthermore, the presence of play areas within shopping centers can prove advantageous to mall management as it offers community members a desirable activity to anticipate while shopping, resulting in unparalleled engagement and patron loyalty. An essential element of stimulation can be incorporated into your guest experience beyond the conventional shopping experience, allowing for enhanced social interaction amidst the everyday commotion of retail consumerism.

Play Areas Provide Educational Opportunities

Play areas are not just a fun outing for families and their children, they can also be a great way to provide learning opportunities. Both the mall and parents can play a very important role in providing educational experiences within the safety of an indoor playground or activity room at a local shopping center.

Play areas can help children develop problem-solving strategies, develop social awareness and communication skills, recognize cause-and-effect relationships, build self-esteem and confidence, as well as learn conflict-resolution techniques. Not to mention the impact on physical development. Parents will love to take advantage of these educational opportunities to provide an engaging and fun experience for their children while taking part in family outings.

The Secret is Out

Whether it be by creating entertaining and educational experiences for young visitors or providing the opportunity to shop for both parents and businesses, having an indoor playground is a great way to attract families to your shopping center.

All patrons of your mall can reap the benefits of having a play area. Parents, business owners, mall investors, and many others all have the potential to have a positive experience simply by implementing an indoor play environment.

Interested in building a play area for your space? Click here to take your first step toward a great decision.

Want some more inspiration for creating a play area in your shopping center?

Check out this great list with tips for building the perfect indoor play area.

Playful Photo Op Inspiration

Play Areas & Kids Clubs

 Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your facility from a mundane to a magical guest experience.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Create the Perfect About Page on Your Dental Website

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Unique Design and Decor Ideas for Children’s Libraries

Libraries are important places where children and their families can come to learn and explore.

As libraries struggle to remain a competitive alternative to various forms of digital entertainment, the need to create an inviting atmosphere that encourages exploration and learning grows every day. With clever decor ideas, you can create a space that is both inviting and unique. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can add fun decor to your library to make it more appealing to families and children.

Plus, you can use this opportunity to create eye-catching presentation areas for guest speakers and photo opportunities that promote your library on social media.

Decor Ideas to Help Transform Your Library into a Family-friendly Destination

Sculpted Trees in Libraries Bring Nature Indoors for Engaging Spaces

When I was little, my local library had a sculpture of a tree growing up the spiral staircase going between floors. The weekly visit to the library was a magical memorable childhood experience as I loved running up the stairs and looking at the tree. Even now as an adult when I return home for family gatherings, I will revisit that library to remember the delight I had as a child.

Trees are a symbol of wisdom, which is why they are so often associated with libraries (that and the fact that books are of course made out of trees). Using this imagery and adding sculpted trees to your space is another great way to spruce up your library. Choose trees that are native to your area or ones that represent something special about your community such as state symbols or local landmarks.

A children’s play area sculpted to look like a famous cypress tree in Louisiana, known as “The Castle” by locals.

A sculpted tree can become a backdrop to a presentation area or bench seating can be added to make it functional.

Use them as a focal point for a presentation area or have them grow throughout your space.
Bench seating built into the base makes this tree multifunctional.

These trees will help create an atmosphere of adventure and exploration while also providing a place for people to sit, read, or just relax in nature’s beauty without having to leave the library.


Themed Reception and Check-out Desks for Modern Libraries

A library’s information desk is often the first thing that patrons see when they enter the building, so it’s important to make it as welcoming and visually appealing as possible. One way to do this is to create an eye-catching, themed desk that reflects the library’s mission or the interests of its patrons.

For example, if the library serves a community with a strong interest in nature and the outdoors, a desk with a nature-themed design could be particularly appealing.

A desk can show guests that books will take them on a journey, whether it’s around the world or an escape into a fantasy world.

An eye-catching, themed check-out desk can help to create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere in the library, and it can also be a great conversation starter. Patrons who are drawn in by the unique design of the check-out desk may be more likely to engage with library staff and ask about the library’s services and resources.

Ultimately, a well-designed, themed check-out desk can be integral to creating a welcoming and engaging environment for patrons, and it can help to support the library’s overall mission of serving and supporting its community.

Exciting Photo Opportunities in Libraries Create Memorable Moments

One particularly effective way to engage with your patrons (plus create user-generated content for your socials) is to set up a photo op at the library. This can be as simple as setting up a backdrop or props related to a particular theme and then inviting patrons to take photos and share them on social media using a designated hashtag.

Consider creating a mascot for your library. This is a great way to brand your library as a child-friendly place. Mascots create major benefits for marketing potential and for making your business appeal to children.

This library in a fossil-rich area uses a prehistoric mastodon as their mascot.

Fun characters are begging to be photographed, and parents are always looking for an opportunity to show off the great time they are having on an outing with their family.

Innovative Seating Solutions for Comfortable Library Reading Areas

Custom seating is a great way to make your library stand out from others. You can choose from cozy chairs with colorful cushions or opt for more stylish couches and ottomans. This will make it easier for people to find the perfect spot to sit with their favorite book or get comfortable while they work on their laptops.

For children’s libraries, consider adding bean bags or soft floor pillows in bright colors to encourage kids to curl up on the floor with their favorite books.

Go further and add themed benches or stools for a magical touch that will truly appeal to children. Themed seating allows you to transform your atmosphere without taking away space that can be used for books.

You can also add themed seating to areas used as a presentation or reading space for guest speakers to create a special place that stands out from the rest of the library.

Vibrant Colors and Murals Revitalize Your Library’s Interior Design

Using vibrant colors throughout your library is one of the best ways to bring life into the space. Add color via paint, murals, fabrics, furniture pieces, sculptures, and more!

Murals are an amazing way to transform the look of a room, especially in a children’s reading area. Create a mural theme around a genre of book, like a children’s area themed around old fairy tales.

Brightly colored walls or ceilings are also a great way to surprise visitors when they enter your library!

Library Design & Decor is Important for Enhancing Patron Experience

Creating unique decor ideas for libraries is not only possible but easy when you think outside of the box!

By adding custom seating options with colorful cushions as well as sculpted trees and fun colors throughout walls and furniture pieces you can create an inviting atmosphere that encourages exploration and learning in any library setting. Additionally, creating presentation areas with creative backdrops provides guest speakers with a platform they won’t soon forget while providing you with photo opportunities perfect for promoting your business on social media!

With just a few simple touches you can transform any drab library into an inspiring place full of possibilities! Start brainstorming some ideas today – your patrons will thank you later!

Check out these related resources for making your library decor unique:

4 Ways Social Media Can Help Promote Your Library

Tips for Creating a Presentation Area in Your Children’s Library

Say Cheese! Playful Photo Op Inspiration

The Benefits of Themed Decor for Kids

Explore Examples of Children’s Library Decor

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your library into a place that captures everyone’s attention!



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

4 Ways Social Media Can Help Promote Your Library

7 Tips for Designing the Ultimate Dental Office Playground

I’m sure that over the years, many bosses have found ample reason to shout, “This is a business, not a playground!!!”

But in the world of pediatric dentistry, turning your business into a dental playground is precisely what your customers are demanding!

It not only creates a unique and memorable experience that can set your practice apart from your competitors. Creating a fun, playful pre-appointment environment can go a long way to reducing a child’s fear of visiting the dentist.

Reduce anxiety to help fill pediatric dental chairs

A recent research paper (How Can We Reduce Dental Fear in Children? The Importance of the First Dental Visit.) cited that 9% of children and adolescents in Canada, the US, and Europe suffer from dental anxiety

The researchers found that early exposure to the dentist (before age two when the first tooth erupts) and frequent visits after that are shown to reduce dental fear.

Our results reveal that the age at which children first go to the dentist and the frequency of visits are key factors in preventing dental fear because they predict 44.4% of dental fear.” 

The researchers identified three important consequences of dental anxiety in children that impact both your patient and your practice:

  1. Pediatric patients will go to the dentist less often than necessary.
  2. They may not be able to receive the necessary treatments due to fear.
  3. They may be uncooperative with dental treatment staff.

Investing in a dental playground in your lobby can go a long way to alleviating anxiety in young children. By making a trip to the dentist something a child looks forward to, you will encourage more frequent visits and a higher quality of care.

So, what do you need to consider when building a play area in your lobby?

Tip 1: Create elements for active play in your dental practice.

Just like a traditional playground, your dental practice playspace should encourage kids to be active so that they can burn off energy and anxiety. This helps the worry disappear.

When we talk about active play, we’re describing lobby features like small slides, forts, climbing & balance structures… even places to jump and dance. Like a park playground, but at a much smaller scale.

Child-sized forts are a place where imagination can take control.

Yellow and grey camper themed kids play house.

Slides will have kids up and down and burning off energy. A slide can be a part of a bigger activity fort as well, with video games and play panels.

Pirate ship themed play slide.

Or they can be small stand-alone structures.

Yellow slide on a pirate ship themed play structure

Active play can help children release energy and reduce stress which is good for priming children for their appointments, but it can improve their overall well-being as well. You’re in the business of kids’ wellness, so helping kids benefit from visiting your office in numerous ways is just good practice.

Tip 2: Cater your dental play area to different ages.

Your practice caters to children of different ages. Your play area should too. One recommendation is to have a separate play area for toddlers, where the bigger kids won’t bump into them. It may simply be a padded play area with a smaller slide, safe soft foam play structures, and easy hands-on games.

Soft play foam sculpture slide with a goat sitting on a mountain side.
Soft play foam sculpture slide with a goat sitting on a mountainside.
Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards and video games.
Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards and video games.

Structures should be a little more advanced for children aged 5-10. For older kids, video games and electronic devices are more age-appropriate. You may want to section off your game area so pre-teen patients have some privacy.

Kids playing on wall mounted gaming tablets.

Tip 3: Think safety when building your dental playground.

Just like kids have dental anxiety, parents have safety worries!

It’s always a smart idea to install a cushioned floor if you want to go the extra mile to avoid a child flopping on the floor too hard. There are a variety of options from mall play area grade flooring…

to the snap-together flooring that you have probably seen parents can add to their at-home playrooms.

But don’t worry too much when it comes to professionally made play options for kids. Most manufacturers put incredible thought and care into the design of their play elements – avoiding sharp corners and tripping hazards. Many structures and climbable components are built with highly durable materials to keep up with active kids.

Tip 4: Pick a theme that carries through your office environment.

Coming up with a great theme for your dental playground makes it more memorable and provides a creative thread to tie everything together. Jungle theme. Dinosaur theme. Underwater theme. The sky’s the limit. (Yes, flying themes are a thing too).

By extending your theme from the front lobby to the clinical area and treatment rooms, you maintain the magic from one space to the next. This helps put young minds at ease throughout their visit.

A sunk ship play fort is a great distraction in the reception area.
Contemporary silhouette underwater themed wall mural in a dental treatment bay.
Murals in the open bay treatment area tie it together with the play area.

Just about any space in your office can be tailored to your theme – the front desk, front door, walls, ceilings, and floors. Durable 3D characters are not only decorative; they can be used as a fun way to provide task-oriented signage. Plus, they make for a good photo opportunity (which increases your chances of getting shared on social media for free advertising).

Tip 5: Consider opportunities for quiet play elements.

We talked about active play earlier. Well, every playground needs a quiet area too. It’s a good idea to designate space for patients who would rather sit with a book or play quietly.

Interactive play elements provide a chance for kids to use their growing minds. Examples of interactive play elements include an activity wall designed to test budding motor skills, foam building blocks, legos… the list goes on.

Tip 6: Keep it bright, colorful, and inviting!

Enough said! Let kids know an area is for them with bright primary colors to liven your children’s play area.

Candyland themed kid's play area with colorful wall murals and sculpted gingerbread house play structure with slide.
Candyland themed kid’s play area with colorful wall murals and sculpted gingerbread house play structure with slide.

Tip 7: Make it comfortable for parents.

Like any lobby, seating should be comfy for parents and guardians. It should also be situated so that it’s easy for them to keep an eye on their littles.

Speaking of comfort, indoor dental playgrounds can get noisy with squeals of joy. Investing in sound baffling solutions can reduce the decibel levels for parents and staff alike to provide a more enjoyable experience. A private room with walls, acoustic felt wall panels, plush beanbag chairs, or carpeted floors can all help absorb sound.

And one final tip… have fun designing your playground!

Working with an established creative design and fabrication partner that really loves what they do will make your renovation process a treat every step of the way!

Don’t know where to start with creating your dental playground? One of our Creative Consultants would love to help. Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to a magical patient experience.

Check out these related resources for making your waiting room a fun place to spend some time:

Top 7 Interactive Waiting Room Ideas

Tips to Make Your Dental Practice More Inviting for Pediatric Patients



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Create the Perfect About Page on Your Dental Website

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor




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