Hear from Dr. Karim Kanani about how the atmosphere has changed in his offices since he added jungle and underwater themed murals and 3D from IDS.
My name is Dr. Karim Kanani I am co-owner of SmileTown Dentistry. We have 3 locations themed by IDS.
Our first office is a jungle themed office. We have added a lot of murals and 3D artwork. When the patients come into our location, they are immersed in a jungle themed environment, which is a very entertaining and non-threatening area, as opposed to a regular dental office.
Tour Through a Jungle Dental Office
Our second location is underwater themed. It is very calming. Kids are automatically put at ease once they first enter.
Tour Breathtaking Underwater Dental Office Decor
IDS: What do you feel the difference that this office theming has made on the atmosphere?
Dr. Kanani: Upon theming our office with IDS we realized the office atmosphere had changed a lot in terms of our patients. When they come into the office they were really amazed as to how the atmosphere had made it really friendly. By doing the theming from IDS we realized that it changed their attitude and their perception of what they see and feel when they come to a dental office.
IDS: Do you feel that the reaction of your patients when they come to you is a lot more easygoing now that you have theming?
Dr. Kanani: Yes, I feel like when the parents and the patients first enter into the office, they get a sense that this is not your regular dental office, it’s themed, it’s very fun and entertaining. So when they do meet me at the end of the hallway, they are already put into quite a relaxing mood.
IDS: Do you feel that your employees have gotten into the theme and enjoyed the work environment?
Dr. Kanani: Our employees love this space because it’s very relaxing for the patients. The colors are very vibrant so the kids feel like they’re in an amusement park and it really puts everyone into a good mood when they come into the office to get work done.
IDS: Has your practice increased in foot traffic or just from people hearing about the theme?
Dr. Kanani: I would say that the patient flow has increased quite a bit from people who are just walking by our office, as they do look inside. They see all the murals and the 3D artwork and they’re very curious as to what’s going on, so a lot of them will just come into the office directly and find out what this place is. At first, they think it’s an amusement park of some sort, but once they find out it’s a dental office for kids, they are quite surprised.
Reception area with amazing coral front desk that welcomes patients.
IDS: How do you feel about the quality of the product and the whole experience of dealing with IDS?
Dr. Kanani: Our experience with working with IDS has been excellent, they were a great source of knowledge in helping us design all our theming features, as well as the quality and craftsmanship of their work has been excellent. It’s very, very top-notch. All the murals, all the 3D artwork, it’s professionally done and we’re extremely happy with our product.
IDS: What’s your personal favorite part of your office?
Dr. Kanani: My personal favorite part of the underwater office would probably be the waiting area, where we have the 3D coral reef along with the windows and our mascot, the pug there, looks like it’s underwater. All the patients and parents come in and usually their first word is “wow!”. I like the “wow” factor.
In the jungle office we have a built-in theater room. We have kids movies running all day long. What this does is allows the kids to be in a relaxed environment as they’re waiting for their dental appointments and also again, put them at ease. The parents really love it too as well because they can have their other kids that are not being treated also relax in that area while their other kids are being treated.
Read the interview with Dr. Kanani’s business partner Dr. Karim Kanani to hear about the beach office they also built.
Dr. Kanani is an accomplished dentist. He has a passion for working with children and providing the best possible treatment in a professional and caring environment.
See the full jungle pug office theme here.
See the full beach pug office theme here.
See the full safari beach office theme here.
Interested in learning more about themed environments? Check out these related resources on IDS customers:
See more examples of underwater theming here.
See more examples of jungle theming here.
See more examples of beach theming here.
Hear more great stories of happy IDS customers here.
Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience. Or download our inspiring look book and start imagining the possibilities in your office.