Patients might want to remember to bring their hiking boots when they make an appointment at this woodland themed dental practice!
The waiting area features a colorful photo op with a scoutmaster regaling two smaller animals with a story around the realistic campfire (imitation fire, of course – safe for the kids to touch – made of orange lighting and water vapor). The tree that features the client’s logo behind the scoutmaster also doubles as a slide, creating a small play area for kids while they wait for their appointment.
From the reception area to the hallway to the operatories, patients can look up to see all manner of woodland creatures, inspired by the area’s local wildlife, zip lining through the area. Can you spot a daring porcupine, a nervous skunk, the selfie-loving fox, a big Canadian goose, plus a variety of squirrels? Check out the zipline in action in the video below.
Visitors will also see a number of custom woodland murals throughout the practice that feature the client’s name and logo. The feature murals are accompanied by an excellent green and blue color scheme that is sure to leave patients singing “Happy trails to you… until they meet again! Happy trails to you… keep smiling until then.”