IDS was contacted by the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help make a very special wish come true.
Isaac’s wish manager Dana Snyder took her daughter to a space themed dental office that had been recently installed by IDS. She knew she had to call us after learning that Isaac wanted a space themed room. He is a big fan of space and his favorite toy at therapy is a box with holiday lights poked through holes in the top, creating a night sky. IDS took this idea and recreated it on a much grander scale.
Isaac has cerebral palsy and sits at a slant in his wheelchair to keep his airway open for breathing. Because of this, he only looks at the upper portion of room, making his bedroom design unique. While the whole room is covered in murals, lights and toys, the IDS designers focused on the ceiling to create a special mural depicting Isaac and his siblings. Color-changing LED lights and glow in the dark stars add a whole new dimension. Toys hidden in special chambers and a custom-made alien in a cryotube add hidden surprises to the new decor.
Owners Dave and Andrew (along with the local fire department) unloaded and installed the room while meeting the family that would benefit from this great collaboration. To everyone at IDS, nothing was more satisfying than watching the smile on Isaac’s face when he saw his room for the first time.
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It was an absolute pleasure to work with all of you. I could not have imagined the room turning out better than it did… it was truly beyond my expectations and honestly one of the very best wishes I have ever worked on. Dave & Andrew – you two, personally, were so fantastic to work with – I cannot begin to describe how appreciative I am for the hard work, dedication, professionalism, creativity and heart you put into Isaac’s wish. I think I’ve said it a million times, but I know what you all did will completely change Isaac’s world and will add so much to his life. And to everyone in your office who put time, effort and love into creating that magical space – we are forever grateful.