This state-of-the-art children’s hospital got a touch of IDS magic to go along with their existing decor. The goal for their project was to create a woodland design that was both whimsical and modern. They wanted it to be kid-friendly, but not too cartoonish, so elements created in our contemporary style were the perfect solution.
In the main lobby, a pair of adorable bear cubs sit with their mother, greeting patients as they head off to their appointments. Down the hall near the gift shop, two structural pillars are wrapped with vinyl to resemble birch trees, a repeating design element that is found within the 5 floors of the hospital. The color-changing LED ceiling lights create a variety of moods to keep the hallway looking fresh.
A light, birch-colored tree with cheerfully colored mushrooms highlights the entrance to the child minding room with way-finding signage. This tree was created to match the hospital’s existing murals. The sculpt is very shallow with most details coming from painted texture to ensure easy cleaning, while the leaves are made of metal. Inside the room, a calming nature mural creates a peaceful atmosphere for the kids to hang out. A tree surround pops out from the mural to create a layered 3D effect, while a group of bluebirds and barn swallows float from the ceiling.
In the office, two stylish tree branch coat racks are the perfect addition to help young patients feel at ease.