3 Styles of Fun Waiting Room Seating Ideas

The truth is, no one likes waiting for their appointment. Despite that fact, waiting is an unavoidable part of receiving care, and whether it be for 2 minutes or 20, there are ways to make even those first moments of the appointment more exciting.

To add a bit of fun to a reception area, you can start from the very chairs your patients are sitting on.

Everyone can take advantage of updated seating, whether it be a simple space needing a pop of color, or a fully themed office wanting to immerse their patients even further in their custom decor. Your guests won’t want to sit on a boring office chair when they’re surrounded by an underwater pirate adventure, so why not make patients feel like a part of the action by letting them sit in the scenery?

To help you bring some creativity to an unexpected place like your waiting room chairs, we’ve assembled a collection of our favorite seating projects for dental and medical offices that maximize your seating space and maximize fun!


Bench seating is both space and patient-efficient and doesn’t require a ton of square footage to fit a whole lot of guests. Plus it allows families or groups to sit together more comfortably than a row of chairs.

In this fun barnyard themed kids’ playroom, we created hay bales benches to transport kids to the farm while they enjoy a movie or play on a wall-mounted gaming station. Subtle rope ties space off the individual seats while still making visitors feel like they’re home on the range.

Adding a photo op character is another great way to make your bench seating fun (and great for some interactive marketing). Patients will love sitting next to this friendly elephant and maybe take a look over his shoulder to see what he’s reading.

Adding a logo or a sign to a seating area with a photo op creates a great opportunity for organic marketing. Parents will want to show off pictures of their “Cavity Free” kids sitting with a friendly octopus to their friends and family and as a result, your logo will be posted all over their social feeds.

Building seating into your themed sculptures is a must for any fully themed office. This bench seating looks right at home with matching log supports and a cute sculpted leopard head peeking out of the trunk. Kids can make themselves comfortable and play on the mounted gaming stations while sitting right next to their parents.

For a larger space, bench seating can take on a life of its own as the centerpiece of your office. This client incorporated both an exciting jungle adventure scene and a live fish tank into their bench seating. It’s like peering through a rushing waterfall. Practical and entertaining!


Circular benches are a beautiful and immersive way to incorporate your theme into your seating while creating a memorable centerpiece. Adding centerpiece seating to an existing area invigorates the space effortlessly.

There is a reason the tree is a classic centerpiece to circular seating. They evoke feelings of calm and relaxation. Who hasn’t lounged under lush tree cover in a park or a forest? Your patients have it made in the shade while in your waiting room. One focal point tree is a great and simple way to keep up the illusion of the forest without sacrificing practical seating area if you are low on floor space. 

For an extra interactive bonus, you can add a tunnel feature for kids to keep themselves busy while they wait for their appointment.

But it’s not all about trees. There are so many ways to incorporate other themes, like ocean or beach, into your seating area! Whether it be a breezy beachside scene with a lighthouse centerpiece or an elaborate deep-sea coral sculpture, you can incorporate the ocean easily into your circular seating.

Above or below the waves, patients will be able to enjoy a day at the beach right in your waiting room.

If you have high ceilings, circular centerpiece seating is one of the best options to accentuate that open area. Seating doesn’t have to be a huge statement piece to be impressive, a small touch can be just as impactful, like this adorable squirrel corner bench.

Create that wow piece that takes your reception area from just a waiting room to a “wow” room! 


Stools are the perfect seating addition for children waiting in your reception area. Easy to move around and incredibly space-efficient, stools are a simple and cost-effective way to dress up your office.

Log sculpted stools fit in woodland settings with their simple, rustic design – they’re certainly a favorite of ours.

Stools are also an incredible asset when immersing guests in a fully themed space. These colorful aliens look like they’re popping right out of craters in an asteroid while offering comfort and support for each kid’s gaming station. What a blast!

Talk about functional decor! Stools are perfect for any gaming area where you want children to sit back and relax while they are waiting.

Who knew stools could have so much character? This springtime waiting area utilized their rolly polly worm character as comfortable seating that blends in perfectly with their theme.

Updating your office can be as easy as bringing in new and fun seating for your patients to enjoy. Whether it be a simple sculpted bench or a custom centerpiece with surrounding circular seating, updated seating can transform your existing office decor or immerse your guests in an overall theme.

Check out more inspiring seating and decor ideas for your office:

Unique Bench and Stool Seating Ideas for Dental and Medical Offices

Dental Office Interior Design and Decor Tips

Ready to stand out from the competition? Don’t hesitate to reach out and one of our Creative Consultants will be happy to help you choose the most eye-catching seating that works with your unique space!




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