Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

In today’s competitive business landscape, securing funding through grants can be a game-changer for your organization. Grants offer the financial support needed to fuel growth, innovation, and social impact. However, the grant application process can be complex and highly competitive.

To increase your chances of success when applying for a grant, consider these valuable tips and tricks:

Research, Research, Research:

Before diving into the application process, invest time in researching potential grant opportunities. Identify grants that align with your business goals, mission, and industry. Each grant may have unique criteria and priorities, so it’s crucial to tailor your applications accordingly.

Tip: Research the grant-offering institution to understand their goals, values, and objectives. This will help you tailor your application to align with their interests​​.

Build Strong Relationships:

Networking is key in the world of grant applications. Establish connections with grantmakers, attend industry events, and join relevant associations. Building relationships can provide insights, recommendations, and even a foot in the door. After all, it’s who you know.

Craft a Compelling Story:

Your application should tell a compelling story about your business, its impact, and why it deserves the grant. Highlight your mission, achievements, and the specific project or initiative the grant will support.

Tip: Highlight your company’s credibility. Use testimonials, data, and success stories to demonstrate why your business is a worthy recipient of the grant​​.

Understand the Requirements:

Carefully read and understand the grant’s guidelines, requirements, and deadlines. Ensure you meet all eligibility criteria and provide all necessary documentation. Missing a crucial element can lead to rejection.

Tailor Your Proposal:

Customize each grant proposal to match the grant’s focus and objectives. Clearly demonstrate how your project aligns with the grantor’s mission and how their funding will make a difference.

Demonstrate Sustainability:

Grantmakers often want to see that their investment will have a lasting impact. Outline a clear plan for how your project or initiative will be sustained beyond the grant period.

Budget Wisely:

Create a detailed and realistic budget for your project. Be transparent about how grant funds will be allocated, and ensure that every dollar serves the intended purpose.

Seek Professional Assistance:

If necessary, consider hiring a grant writer or consultant with expertise in your industry. They can help you craft a compelling proposal and navigate the complexities of the application process.

Review and Edit:

Before submitting your application, review it meticulously for errors, clarity, and completeness. Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure your proposal is as strong as possible.

Tip: Organize all required documents, such as financial statements, tax returns, business licenses, and letters of recommendation, in advance​​.

Follow Up:

After submitting your application, follow up with the grantmaker as appropriate. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and inquire about the timeline for decisions. Maintain a positive and professional relationship.

Remember that grant applications can be highly competitive, and rejection is common. Use each application as a learning opportunity, gather feedback, and continually refine your approach. By applying these tips and tricks, you can increase your chances of securing the funding needed to propel your business forward and make a positive impact on your community or industry.

For more resources and helpful tips from IDS:

Grant Resources for Child-friendly Businesses

Whether Your Office is Big or Small, IDS Can Theme It All



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Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

How to Attract Staff to Your Dental Practice… and Keep Them!

Reduce Dental Anxiety with “The Kids’ Guide to the Dentist”

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Places of worship hold a special significance for communities, and churches, in particular, serve as a focal point for spiritual growth and community engagement. One way to enhance the sense of belonging and create an inviting atmosphere for families, teens, and children is by adding themed decor to various areas within the church.

In this blog, we’ll explore creative ideas for incorporating themed decor into different spaces, from nurseries to large gathering areas.

Nurseries and Toddler Room Decor Ideas for Modern Churches:

Creating a welcoming environment for the youngest members of your congregation is essential. Design a nursery room that reflects a soothing and joyful ambiance. By using soft colors, nature-inspired wall decals, and plush seating, you can make the space comforting for both children and parents.

Soothing Church Nap Room for Toddlers

Consider a nap room with a nighttime or space theme. Look for cribs, changing tables, and storage solutions that complement the overall design. Consider safety and functionality when selecting furniture.

A nursery nap room with nighttime woodland mural.

By implementing themed decor such as calming woodland nature landscapes or homey backyard scenes, you can contribute to a serene atmosphere optimal for keeping young children at ease while their parents are at worship.

Innovative Classroom Decor for Church Sunday Schools

For classrooms catering to preschool and toddler age groups, vibrant and educational decor can start to create an engaging learning environment. Consider wall murals that showcase stories from religious texts, interactive learning tools like puppets, easily identifiable room signage, and age-appropriate furniture like durable plastic chairs. This helps create an environment conducive to both spiritual and intellectual development.

View of cozy daycare room with backyard-themed glass window murals
View of cozy learning room with backyard-themed window murals.
Door signage featuring a young raccoon playing a stacking game.

Remember to maintain a balance between aesthetics and functionality, creating a comfortable and safe space for children to both sit quietly for lessons and move about for active play.

Engaging Decor Ideas for Elementary-Aged Learning Spaces in Churches:

As children grow, so do their needs for engaging spaces.

Designing classrooms for elementary-age kids can involve more interactive and dynamic decor. Consider adding vibrant murals, welcoming 3D characters, and play spaces. Popular themes include nature, space, animals, under the sea & jungle, or a specific book from the bible, or characters like Noah on the ark or Daniel in the lion’s den. Themed decorations that align with biblical stories or values can make learning more enjoyable.

Using wayfinding signage that all ages can understand creates a more welcoming environment. Using different colors, themes, and characters in signs and room markers that all ages can understand helps youngster feel confident in navigating their surroundings. Select a color palette that complements the chosen theme. Bright, cheerful colors are often suitable for elementary classrooms.

Incorporate age-appropriate elements like educational games, interactive displays, and comfortable seating to foster a positive and stimulating learning environment. Gaming and activity areas can include slides, play structures, and even video games. More about play areas in a moment.

Create a mascot to help guide little ones. Think of Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales. They are fun and friendly characters that help make bible stories more engaging. Your mascot can appear in 3D or be drawn into murals around your space. They can then be incorporated into activities, booklets, and even church branding to help draw in more families to your child-friendly church.

Themed Ideas for Creating Inviting Teen Lounge Areas in Churches:

The availability of safe gathering spaces for youth and teens is declining. There is a shortage of places where teenagers can socialize without making purchases, exacerbated by “no loitering” policies or signs. In the absence of options like malls or coffee shops, there’s a pressing need to establish inclusive and attractive spaces that welcome teens of all ages. Using theming, you can provide a safe, cool environment for them to hang out, fostering connections amongst their peers.

Use themed decor to separate their space from adult spaces to give them a sense of belonging and ownership over an area. Murals help define that separation and create a cohesive space with bright colors and eye-catching graphics.

Choose flexible and comfortable seating arrangements that allow for group discussions, study sessions, and casual hangouts. Bean bags, floor cushions, and modular seating arrangements can provide a relaxed atmosphere. Design cozy corners or alcoves with soft lighting where teens can unwind and have quiet conversations. Incorporate plush rugs, pillows, and dimmable lighting for a relaxed atmosphere.

Lounge area with built charging station within the desktop.

Incorporate technology into the space with charging stations, Wi-Fi, and interactive displays. This caters to the tech-savvy interests of many teens and provides a space for both socializing and studying.

Design the space to be easily adaptable for events such as game nights, movie screenings, or workshops. Consider movable furniture and versatile decor elements.

By creating a space that aligns with the interests and preferences of teens, and by prioritizing safety, churches can establish an environment where teens feel welcome, engaged, and comfortable. Regularly seek feedback from the teens to ensure the space remains relevant and appealing to the evolving needs of the community.


Enhancing Church Stages and Meeting Spaces with Creative Theming:

Enhancing the aesthetics of your church’s small stage and meeting spaces can contribute to a more immersive worship experience for children.

Choose a theme that aligns with the values and message of the church. It could be biblical, nature-inspired, or community-focused.

Implement branded signage that ties the space to your church. This is a great way to promote the speakers, musicians, and other performances that present at your church on social media.

Set up a music corner with a sound system, musical instruments, or even a karaoke machine. Teens and kids can enjoy music, practice their musical skills, or even organize small performances. This can tie into our next space that needs design consideration.

Multipurpose Church Gym and Activity Space Decor Ideas:

Many churches have multipurpose spaces, such as gyms, that serve various functions beyond just physical activities. Transforming these areas into versatile spaces with themed decor can enhance their appeal.

Utilizing a sliding room divider can help create separate spaces for different activities, such as a gym for fitness classes or sports events and a large group room for gatherings and events.

Murals in these spaces are also a great way to add color and movement to a large bare space.

Designing Engaging Themed Play Areas in Churches for Children:

Adding a play area to your church can significantly enhance its appeal and provide a welcoming space for families. Just as malls incorporate play areas to create a safe gathering spot, churches can benefit in similar ways. A play area fosters a family-friendly atmosphere, encouraging parents to attend services without worrying about keeping their children entertained. It becomes a place where families can connect and build a sense of community.

By mirroring the successful strategy employed by malls, your church can become not just a place of worship, but a vibrant hub for community interaction and growth. Clearly communicate the availability of the play area to parents and visitors. Use signage, announcements, and church communication channels to inform families about these child-friendly features.

Additionally, it offers an opportunity for children to learn in a comfortable and engaging environment, making church services more accessible and enjoyable for the entire family. Providing a designated play area allows parents to participate in church services and events more actively, knowing their children are in a safe and supervised space.

Identify a suitable space within the church for the play area. Consider proximity to the main worship area, ease of supervision, and safety factors. Children can be quite loud when they are playing. A separate room or a space on a different floor may be optimal.

Tailor the play area to cater to different age groups. Include a variety of toys, books, and activities suitable for infants, toddlers, and older children. Slides are great for youngsters to burn some energy, play boards are great for little hands, and video games are great for older kids to learn coordination and problem-solving skills.

Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards and video games.
Woodland rock game wall with Keebee play boards for toddlers.
Kids playing on wall mounted gaming tablets.

Integrate elements of the church’s mission, values, and teachings into the play area decor. This can include age-appropriate Bible stories, positive messages, or symbols that align with the church’s identity.

Fostering Fellowship with Decor Ideas for Church Community Spaces:

In addition to educational and worship spaces, it’s crucial to have areas where the congregation can come together for fellowship and community building.

Group Lounge Area Decor

Designing lounges or common areas with comfortable seating and themed decor can provide the perfect setting for casual interactions. Consider adding a touch of warmth with inspirational quotes, artwork, or symbols that resonate with the church’s mission and values.

Congregation Refreshment Area

Supply snacks, coffee, and juice to create a place of fellowship where all ages can mingle. Consider organizing the occasional potluck events. After everyone eats, there could be a socializing hour or a small event, like a talent show or guest speaker.

Church Library

Consider establishing a bookshelf or mini library within your community space, featuring a diverse selection of reading materials tailored for different age groups, including children, teens, and adults. While a designated children’s reading area can minimize noise disruptions for adults utilizing the space, there’s also a compelling opportunity to create a unified learning community by encouraging individuals of all ages to read and learn together in a shared space. Seek feedback from your congregation to understand their preferences, ensuring that the design and offerings align with the unique needs and dynamics of your community.

By intentionally designing a community space with the needs and preferences of both young and old in mind, your church can create a welcoming environment that fosters connections and strengthens the sense of community.

Adding Themed Decor to Your Church is Easy

Adding themed decor to a church is a creative way to enhance the overall atmosphere and create spaces that cater to the diverse needs of the congregation. From nurseries and classrooms to large gathering areas and community spaces, thoughtful decor choices can contribute to a sense of unity and belonging. As kids have their “preservice” hangout spot and classrooms become engaging learning environments, the church transforms into a space that nurtures both spiritual and community growth.

Did you find this topic interesting? Here are some related articles for you to explore:

Creating a Sense of Fun and Nostalgia for The Next Generation of Kids

Attract Families to Your Church with Decor for Kids

5 Steps Churches Can Take to Create a Family-friendly Atmosphere

Church Decor Ideas and Tips for Kids

Benefits of Themed Decor for Kids, Your Business, and Staff

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your church into family-friendly sanctuary.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

How to Attract Staff to Your Dental Practice… and Keep Them!

Pandemic-induced life changes have promoted a work-life balance reset for many, leading to media reports of a ‘great resignation.’

World Economic Forum

Is your dental office set up to grow with this mentality and cultivate a space that will draw in the best of the best to join your team and stick by your side?

Take a deep dive with us, and let’s determine how to:

  • Understand the current job hunter’s market
  • Review your company culture
  • Take actionable steps to generate an attractive work environment

Step Into The Mind of a Modern Job Hunter

In a recent poll conducted by the ADA Health Policy Institute designed to take the pulse of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and emerging issues in the American dental community, it was uncovered that recruiting dental hygienists and dental assistants continues to be challenging for dentists.

In fact, 90% of dentist owners reported that, compared to before the pandemic, it is extremely or very challenging to recruit dental hygienists. 85% of dentist owners find it extremely or very challenging to fill dental assistant positions when compared to before the pandemic.

It is no secret that in many professions the reaction to Covid-19 limited hours in the office, enforced work-from-home conditions, and even resulted in mass layoffs across the country. This was the new norm for anywhere from a month to the entirety of the last 2 years.

Now that we are slowly gaining traction back into a fully operating society, back to work is again an option. But it’s just that, an option.

The dental field was one of the most at-risk groups during the height of the pandemic, so many people took the chance to retire early or find alternative employment in a less risky field. There was a voluntary reduction of the U.S. dental hygiene workforce by about 3.75%, or about 7,500 dental hygienists, according to updated research from the ADA and the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. 

As we said, many offices had temporary shutdowns. It was no longer the 9-5 life, so priorities in day-to-day routines changed. For workers it was now family time, taking on hobbies that they’ve always wanted to do, or placing value on exercising. Whatever it was, it became a standard practice for them and the thought of a full-time job taking that enjoyment away is less than enticing.

So the challenge for employers becomes making coming to work worth an employee’s time.

This difficulty is heightened in the dental and medical fields. It is a strenuous environment requiring dedicated attention and skill that needs to be regularly exercised. Let’s face it, people’s health is in your hands and that is not something you want to handle half-heartedly.

With that in mind, you have to consider this time away has also induced anxiety around the loss of knowledge or skill alongside new expectations.

2022 job hunters want an environment that supports them, is flexible, doesn’t take away from their external passions, and that they will genuinely enjoy going to every day.

What does this look like to employers?

Review Your Company’s Culture

Your company culture is what you make it.

It is how the execution of actions and values come together to make the experience people feel when they come to work every day.

It is how you manage your employees and set expectations.

It is the thing that people consider when asking themselves, “Am I going to be happy working here?”

Yes, coming in to work is about getting a job done, but to make it fulfilling to do that job, you as an owner and their boss should also:

  • Encourage employee wellness, both mental and physical. Dental and medical work is stressful on the mind and hard on the back. Losing employees to medical leave is avoidable.
  • Provide meaning and purpose in the work you are doing. Working in healthcare and helping children is a noble profession that truly helps people. Help your staff remember they are working towards a greater good.

  • Create goals and rewards for hard work. Feeling good about helping people is good, but you must also make the job rewarding in monetary ways as well – bonuses, small gifts, or time off add up to a happy, loyal worker.
  • Encourage positivity and celebrate milestones, both personal and professional. Show that you care by making your staff feel special and appreciated.

  • Foster social connections and build friendships among your staff. If your staff enjoys the company of the people they work with, that will build loyalty and lasting employment.
  • Listen to their feedback on ways to improve your existing culture. Part of today’s issue is keeping current staff. Make sure the people working with you are happy now and you can worry about hiring new staff instead of just replacing missing staff.

Make your business the type of place people want to work. If you are a leader of your company your behavior has the power to largely influence the essence of your company’s culture. Take a moment to step back and ask…

What Type of Leader Are You?

As a leader, you have the responsibility of managing people’s daily realities. And perhaps most importantly, you have the capability to make or break a person’s time spent with your company.

Consider the following questions and challenge yourself to look at the influence you have on your team from a third-party perspective to assess whether your leadership skills have been positively effective:

  • Are your morals visible in your everyday actions? Be your most authentic self. Authenticity inspires authenticity Forbes. As a leader, be yourself and stand by your integrity. Your staff will appreciate knowing your expectations, and if positively applied this will incline them to conduct their efforts in the same direction.
  • Are you honest with your staff? The transparency and vulnerability that honesty reveals will let your staff know that they are trusted and that their insight is valued in the eyes of a leader.
  • How important is communication between you and your staff? Good communication can get the job done, but great communication can blow expectations out of the water. When people know what they are doing and what is expected of them it eliminates the middle man named ‘Confusion’ and productivity is increased.
  • How do you show fairness in your workplace? Be flexible with your staff’s needs both professionally and personally, award accomplishments, and address failure.

Unity in the workplace is established when a leader prioritizes creating an environment not only for the client but for the staff. A great leader can answer these questions with confidence that their staff will appreciate their answers.

One thing to remember is that being a great leader is not always a linear process, there will be ups and downs. But when you register that it takes a village to do the job, then you can start to adjust your approach to value this outlook.

What Makes a Company Attractive to Employees?

A Company with Good Reviews

We’re not talking about client reviews on Google and Facebook, although those can help potential employees get an overview of how your business operates when dealing with the public. There are also employee review sites that are great insights for potential workers. The two most popular sites are:

Search your name and find out what has been said about you. If there are any negative comments, now is a good time to address the issue. If there aren’t any comments at all, encourage your current staff to add on a positive review to make your business look more attractive to job hunters.

Prioritization of a Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. Maintaining a work-life balance helps reduce stress and prevent burnout in the workplace.


A good way to understand what “work-life balance” means to employees is to recognize that it is going to mean something slightly different to each of your employees. Take a look at the following infographic.

The fact of the matter is that the life we live cannot be summarized down to simply work and ‘the rest’, and it is naive to think that when an employee walks into work ‘the rest’ simply disappears. Daily chores, family obligations, visiting with friends, going to the gym, travel, and hobbies add up to a lot of ‘life’ that people need to balance with their job, which includes daily tasks, training, learning new technology, and networking with peers.

There is something to be said that excessive focus on something can drain our energy and result in a lack of interest. Take the initiative to get to know your employees, take an interest in their passions, and consider how as an employer you might work to honor these passions. Give your staff room to balance their work and life by:

  • Reinforce daily breaks to prevent burnout and injury.
  • Encourage vacation time to recharge.
  • Support personal expression.
  • Exercise compassion when ‘life’ creates personal struggles.
  • Prioritize health with competitive benefits packages.
  • Set up out-of-office events and team building during work hours.
  • Create a safe space for your employees to say no (i.e. no to overtime, or no to a promotion that will take up more of their time).

Be Your Staff’s Cheerleader

Part of being a good leader is generating confidence amongst your staff and in turn, they will feel their work is appreciated and their presence is valued – a recipe for an employee who is happy to come to work every day. Follow these three steps to cheer on your team:

  1. Be a mentor: Be someone your team can turn to for direction. When you establish an environment that supports your staff’s curiosity, then this positive reinforcement will incline them to continue developing their abilities in the workplace.
  2. Offer conducive training: Whether an employee is brand new or transitioning to a new role, ensure proper measures are taken for them to receive detailed training. This will prepare them to deliver on what’s expected and mitigate confusion.
  3. Provide an opportunity for professional development: Provide goals for your employees to work towards. For some, routines can get mundane. Entice your staff to grow with your business by awarding them for their hard work and offering incentives to take their skills to the next level.

Offer Competitive Salary and Benefits

As the ADA has uncovered, many offices are experiencing a staff shortage.

That being said, to attract and keep your employees you need to offer competitive salaries and benefits.

Do your research:

  1. What is the cost of living in your city?
  2. What are other offices in your area paying their employees?
  3. What personal/professional sacrifices might people be making to join your team?

This statement puts the power in the job hunter’s hands, but when you invest in your employees, your business grows.

Design an Enjoyable Workspace

Your office atmosphere can have a direct impact on the appeal your employees have towards coming to work.

Just like you don’t want to go home to a dingy, cold, dark basement, your employees don’t want to walk into a workspace that is anything but inviting.

Like the saying ‘look good, feel good’, coming to work in a space that is enjoyable and aesthetically pleasing will have your employees feeling empowered and motivated. It will also generate a sense of respect for the space and a desire to maintain order.

What can you do to your space to spruce it up?

  1. Bring in some greenery to boost the mood.
  2. Encourage employee workspace personalization to promote pride and ownership.
  3. Provide ergonomic work areas to promote health.
  4. Apply theming to create a friendly space that will make working with children easier and more fun.

What Does Coming to Work in a Themed Space Look Like?

Theming your space can bring magic to your business and joy to your guests. By putting young patients at ease appointments become easier, children become more cooperative, and the stress of a fussy patient is no longer a daily battle for your employees.

But it won’t just wow your patients, it will draw in and retain your staff too.

Imagine walking into work every day and being greeted by a giraffe holding a welcome sign? Well in this custom Imagination Design Studios safari-themed pediatric dental office the staff is privy to seeing it every day.

Safari themed reception desk with lemurs and a giraffe supporting a custom branch that reads 'welcome'.

Fresh out of University, Dr. Jensen didn’t just want to go to work every day, she wanted to spend her time somewhere that was going to bring a smile to her face day-in-day-out.

The theming definitely played a role in terms of my decision to join the practice. I came to visit the office, opened up the front door and it was just like a theme park.

I love working here, truly – it is a very well put together office. We know every other dental office tries to stay clean and organized, but I feel like having properly placed theming in an office gives us that edge where every day is fun and interesting.

– Dr. Alexandra Jensen

Read more about Dr. Jensen’s experience here.

Or consider what it’s like for an interviewee to walk into a vibrant and exciting reception area with a parachuting gorilla to welcome them.

My first expression walking into my office for an interview was WOW!! I wanted the job at first sight just by how the office appeared.

– Candace Chavez, Practice Administrator

When you have a unique space, people will fight to work in one of your themed offices.

Every time I open a new office, every one of my employees wants to work in the new office. They’re always so cool and so different.

– Scott Savel

Theming will help you find the right people with your same core beliefs.

Hiring pediatricians is no longer a challenge – once they set foot in the facility they want to work here because the decor speaks to our philosophy and dedication to helping kids.

– Mawish Baber

There’s no easy answer to finding good employees during a worker drought, but there is a secret weapon in making your office stand out to job hunters. Being surrounded by colorful and friendly elements in your workspace that you know will bring a smile to your face can set the tone for the entire workday.

I used to come into work through the back door and now I come in through the front door because it makes me happy for the rest of the day.

– Dr. Bill Martin

Use your office in your job postings. You’re not the only office hiring right now, and what better way to stand out than with your inviting, friendly workplace. You are offering a unique and exciting opportunity – something future employees will love to brag about. Don’t let it go unnoticed.

Adjust to New Expectations

Today’s economy is tough, it’s as simple as that. As we navigate through a post-pandemic reality and, dare I say, the horizon of a potential recession, the workplace looks different for most. Expectations around what ‘work’ means and why employees should want to spend their time with your business has drastically shifted. Shift with this mentality and win them back – you run an exciting, fun, friendly business – show them what that looks like!

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from mundane to magical.

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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Create the Perfect About Page on Your Dental Website

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

What Makes a Dental Practice Successful

If you’ve ever talked-up a business to a friend you probably said something like – “…there’s just something about that place…” That “something” involves a lot of factors. And the same applies to what makes a dental practice successful.

Success isn’t random. In fact, it requires consistent, intentional energy.

Brand First

The term, “DNA,” might be a useful analogy. A successful dental practice has a certain “DNA” or perhaps you’re more inclined to call it brand “identity.”

From patient care to patient satisfaction to patient experience there are success-drivers at the “cellular” level of every successful practice.

Your practice has a brand identity whether you give attention to it or not. It’s that unique brand identity your patients and families will reference when returning, reviewing, and referring your services.

”Being unique is all about giving your potential patients a reason to choose you over other local dentists. It doesn’t matter whether you focus on a particular speciality or you offer different dental services. Creating a unique perspective on quality dental care services has the power to net and retain many clients.” [1]

But what other qualities are needed to create a successful practice?


A Unique Environment (and Culture)

The uniqueness of your practice environment and culture help to preserve your competitive advantage. You’re likely aware that your services don’t solely determine success. But how you deliver those services in alignment with your practice culture will impact your successful outcomes.

Culture is reflected in your…

  • Personality
  • Style of leadership
  • Practice vision and values
  • Workflows and systems
  • Team management, communication, and expectations

Generally speaking, culture is how you “run” your practice.

And then there’s your environment. A unique environment is designed on the foundation of your practice culture.

Environment involves a variety of factors.

A unique culture and environment require intentionality. Allow your team to evaluate and contribute to ongoing improvements. And listen to patient feedback and reviews for insight into improvement factors.

Efficient Systems and Workflows

System efficiency is a key to dental practice success. According to the ADA,

”The top 10 percent of dental practices understand that their internal systems are essential to their success. Using outdated systems can easily impact the quality of service you offer to your patient.” [2]

Efficient systems and workflows that drive practice success include:

  • Up-to-date technology that improves your patient care standards from scheduling to treatment protocols.
  • Balancing production increases with outstanding patient experience.
  • A culture of ongoing improvement within your practice management strategy.

Training enhanced communication across all practice departments that flows into patient interactions.

Expanded Services

Earlier we noted that your services do not (solely) determine your practice success. But certain services driven by public and/or patient need WILL contribute to the ongoing success of your dental practice.

Again, it’s the uniqueness of what you provide and the culture that supports it that will set your practice apart. Expanding your services provides you an opportunity to grow your patient base.

Adding services…

  • Gives you a slight edge on your competitors based on what you provide.
  • Catches the attention of prospective and new patients who are searching for a specific oral health solution.

Expanding your services requires that you listen to what your current patients are asking about.

  • Listen for trends relative to their oral health goals, problems, and pain points.
  • Leverage your patient demographic knowledge to improve schedule and specialty options (e.g. early and late appointments, services that appeal to a specific age group, etc).

Patient Engagement

Knowing that you should consistently engage your patients and then how you engage them is vital to dental practice success. Think of patient engagement as the overall patient experience you provide.

Next to your practice environment, an online presence is key to making a first (engaging) impression.

  • Design (or redesign) your dental practice website as an informative, easily-accessible platform. Highlight your services, your team, and provide a clear call-to-action (CTA) for contacting, scheduling, and/or requesting information.
  • Provide a secure patient portal on your website. Give patients access to pre-treatment forms (e.g. health history, necessary appointment information, etc)
  • Deliver useful content via a blog page on your website. Answer questions and provide solutions using conversational (non-technical) language in your posts.
  • Maintain a consistent presence on social media. Highlight your practice culture and environment (events, milestones, etc) alongside links to helpful oral health content your create and/or curate from other sources.
  • Ask for reviews and referrals. And use the information in your reviews (positive and negative) to refine and improve your patient engagement strategies.


Check out these related resources on culture, environment, and patient-facing strategies that lead to dental practice success:

The Best Dental Marketing Tactics and Strategy

What is Patient Experience and Why Does It Matter?

Jump-Start Your Dental Marketing with These Key Strategies

And make an investment that helps assure your successful outcomes.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

A Practical Guide to Creating an Exceptional Patient Experience

Download Our White Paper: Alleviating Patient Anxiety Through Office Theming

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.

Want more tips for marketing your office? Download the free guide to learn more tips to make your dental practice successful.

[1]  The 7 Secrets to a Successful Dental Practice

[2]  The 7 Secrets to a Successful Dental Practice



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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Create the Perfect About Page on Your Dental Website

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

FAQ About Covid-19 and Keeping Your Theming Clean

Preventing the spread of germs and limiting common touchpoints is a hot topic right now. Luckily, IDS theming is easier to keep clean than you may think! Not only are our products perfectly suited to regular cleaning in a clinical setting, but they are resistant to fading and scuffing. 


Easy to Clean 3D Products

Regular soap and water solution is all you need to clean our products – which also neutralizes the Coronavirus! It’s really that easy. Check out the video to see the science behind the destructive virus-killing power of soap.

If you need to sanitize your products beyond what soap can do, we have also tested a variety of medical-grade cleaners such as ED Everyday DisinfectantCavicide, and a bleach & water solution with no damage to our products. 

Regardless of what cleaning product you may use, we want you to have confidence that your creations from IDS will stay looking fresh for a long time. We always recommend cleaning with a damp sponge or cloth and a light touch (no scrubbing required here!)

Easy to Clean Wall Murals

Wall murals are just as easy to clean as a regular painted wall. Again, no special cleaning supplies are necessary. Gently spot clean messes or high traffic areas with soap and water using a soft sponge or cloth. 

Our selection of I Spy Murals offers hands-free entertainment in the form of a scavenger hunt! Each mural comes with a list of items hidden within the scenery, just waiting to be uncovered. It is a great way to capture a child’s imagination, and parents appreciate that they don’t need to resort to screen time to keep the kiddos occupied.

Our I Spy Murals have seen a burst in popularity in hospital treatment rooms as a great solution to keep kids entertained while providing hands-free fun and colorful decor in an otherwise drab space.

Check out these related resources for preparing your office for the ‘new normal’:

5 Tips to Prepare Your Waiting Room for the New Normal

Our Top 5 Hands-Free Waiting Room Ideas to Engage and Entertain Patients

COVID-19 protocols can make appointments feel scary and cause additional stress in children during dental and medical visits. In stressful times like today, it is more important than ever to keep kids calm and distracted while visiting the doctor or dentist. Theming is a proven strategy to help keep pediatric patients occupied, displacing treatment anxiety. Call today with any more questions about IDS theming: 1-888-884-4102.



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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

How to Attract Staff to Your Dental Practice… and Keep Them!

Make a BIG Impact with a SMALL Budget Using the IDS Essentials™ Collection

At IDS, we’re best known for our highly creative, custom-themed spaces. We often feature some of the more elaborate and in-depth environments in our portfolio, but did you know that we also offer a host of solutions that can make a big impact even if you’re working with a small budget?

Over the years, we have come to recognize the most popular characters from our creations and some great ways to use them. We recently decided to pull these all-time favorites together into a catalog of pre-designed, family-friendly decor called he IDS Essentials™ Collection.

You’ll find some of our classic designs, as well as several designs from our brand-new contemporary collection, which is designed for a more sophisticated feel. What all these products have in common is that because they are pre-designed, there is a cost-saving for you!

Here are some examples of what you get with even a modest budget:

$5,000 Budget

With this budget you can cover a 25’ long wall with a mural (at 10’ high), or you can mix and match by doing a mural on a smaller wall and adding a faux window. 

Or, use the budget to create a super-fun kid’s brushing station!

$10,000 Budget

With this budget you can get a 3D sculpted character for your waiting room plus a smile tile for your ceiling. 

Or, mix and match by selecting murals for two to three walls, and add some awesome decor items such as a themed bench and a brushing mirror.

$15,000 Budget

With this budget you can create an amazing photo op for social media by using a combination of a wall mural, a themed bench, and one of our charming sculpted characters.

Or, create an engaging kid’s corner that includes murals, benches, and a gaming station that incorporates touchscreen tablets and hands-on activities to appeal to a range of ages.

No matter what your budget, the ROI is compelling – IDS decor makes your space more inviting for young families, encourages kids to have fun while in your care, and helps your office stand out in the community. Explore the entire IDS Essentials™ Collection here and start imagining.

Check out these related resources for ideas on theming your office:

How to Theme Your Office on a Budget

Whether Your Office is Big or Small, We Have Options to Theme It All

Create a Memorable Patient Experience Through Dental office Interior Design and Decor.

IDS theming is not an expense; it is an investment in your business.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

10 Questions We Have Heard from New IDS Clients

There’s no doubt that an IDS-themed office makes appointments more fun for your young patients, creates an environment in which your team will enjoy working, and fast-tracks the growth of your practice… so, what’s holding you back?

We get it – you likely have some questions about what to expect and how it all works. Fear not – here are answers to the ten most common questions and reservations we hear from new clients.

1. How much will it cost?

All of our themed elements are custom-built, therefore prices vary depending on design, scope, and complexity. The size and position a 3D character is sculpted in will change the price, so if you see an example of two hippo characters in two different offices in our portfolio, they could differ slightly in price. It is much more effective for us to work with you and find out your specific needs in order to give you your custom pricing. We have created themed spaces at all levels from $5,000 to over $800,000. At Imagination Design Studios, there is something for everyone, and we happily work within your budget.

When considering the cost remember that the price of the theming is an investment into your business that will pay off with happier patients that will keep coming back. These dentists and office staff have experienced it firsthand:

“We were a brand new office – when we opened and had a full schedule within 6 months.”

– Amy, Office Manager

“When we first moved in, I had a goal of achieving $1.2m in revenue and we met that. This year, we are on target to achieve $2m in revenue and I credit the theming with bringing in that additional $800,000.”

– Dr. Jenni Burkitt, Owner

“In one year we’ve gone from a startup, to full-on busy. I’m sure we’ll have too many patients within 2 to 3 years.”

– Dr. Jed Snatic, Owner

2. How long does the build process take and will theming with IDS extend my build schedule?

Each office is unique and depending on the design, scope, and complexity of a project, the timeline can vary. That said, a typical office theming project with IDS takes 6 to 9 months from beginning to end – concept drawings to installation. (Much shorter if you are selecting pre-designed items from our catalog as we can bypass the design process and go straight into production.)

If you are building from the ground up, we will be one of the last teams to enter your space, after all the walls are up and painted, flooring is down, cabinets are in and finishes are complete.

In your build schedule, our installation typically accounts for less than a week.

3. Will I be kept in the loop on progress of my project?

We call the process The Five Steps from Mundane to Magical, and it includes regular updates from our team. Often, these will include photos of your custom theming props being produced on our shop floor, allowing you to follow along as your project comes to life.

“I felt like I really had a sense of what I was doing in my office. From the online meetings and the markups that explained everything from colors and foliage, to the 3D models of my characters, IDS really created a complete picture. I didn’t realize I was going to see my whole office before it was built. I was so excited to see every new email you sent.”

– Dr. Tim Verwest, Pediatric Dentistry of Fort Myers

4. Will the product hold up over time?

We love this question. IDS products are handmade by our experienced craftspeople and made with the care and materials required to meet our “kid-proof” standards.

Everything we create is built to the highest standards for quality and durability – something that is truly unmatched in the industry. In fact, we build our indoor props to the exact same standards as our exterior pieces which have – literally – endured tornados and hurricanes, and survived looking just as good as ever!

5. Can you work with my architect and interior designer?

The roles of your architect and interior designer remain unchanged – theming is more like the icing on the cake. Our job is to collaborate with your team to ensure that what we produce compliments and enhance the layout, finishes, colors, and other design decisions that have been made. Members of our staff – from sales, to CAD, to production – have backgrounds in interior design and can understand and communicate with your existing team.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Elizabeth in the design of multiple dental facilities over a number of years. She represents IDS in both a comfortable and professional manner – and most importantly, we’ve had successful projects together! I highly recommend working with Elizabeth and the entire team at IDS (and look forward to doing so again.)”

– Tim Kuhlman, Architect at TkDesign Architecture

6. Do you have a sales rep come to visit my office?

Technology has enabled us to be very effective at working with our clients remotely, so a site visit is not necessary. We make sure to stay connected through online meetings, phone calls, e-mails, and plenty of in-progress photos and videos.

7. How do we know the murals and sculptures will fit in my space?

To make sure our pieces will fit in your space, one of our first orders of business is to convert your permitted plans into a digital 3D model of your office (we’ll be asking for the ‘reflected ceiling plans’ for this reason). From there, everything we design is done so in that 3D environment. This process not only ensures everything will fit perfectly but also gives you a great preview for how your theming elements will come together in your space.

If necessary, we will send a member of our team to measure your walls and get precise dimensions of your space. We call this a “dim check”. We may also ask that a member of your team confirm measurements for us.

8. Who does the installation?

For custom themed offices, our team arrives on-site the same day the product does. They manage everything from off-loading your props from the truck through to the final details of installation. You and your contractor don’t need to lift a finger.

If you are selecting pre-designed decor from our catalog instead of a custom office, these items are all designed to be easily installed by your general contractor or facilities manager.

9. How much extra space do I need for theming?

Ultimately, none. Theming with murals uses existing wall surfaces and requires no footprint at all. From there, many of our products, such as themed benches, bay dividers and kid-friendly brushing mirrors simply take the place of other essential furniture and decor items.

If you have space set aside for some extra fun, we can get even more creative. With as little as 25 dedicated square feet, we can add gaming, education stations, or a hand-sculpted character to your office that makes the perfect photo op for social media!

10. How much input do I have into the design?

Custom themed offices are exactly that – custom! We work closely with you to understand what you’d like the finished product to look like and how you want it to function. From there, our talented artists will begin by sketching concepts, allowing you to see your unique vision come life.

“I was pleased that IDS helped me right from day one and that the designers could take my ideas and run with them. They built a theme based on my own storybook and really brought my characters to life! The transformation of my practice has been wonderful. The kids love it, my staff loves it, and I absolutely love it! Thank you so much IDS!”

– Dr. Leslie Jacobs, DDS

IDS theming is not an expense; it is an investment in your business.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.



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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

How to Attract Staff to Your Dental Practice… and Keep Them!

Whether Your Office is Big or Small, IDS Can Theme It All

No matter what size space you want to theme, the benefits of a kid-friendly space in dental or medical offices are always the same. Your practice will become more welcoming for young families, and the kids will have fun and be less anxious while in your care. Happy parents will rave about your office, and through their word-of-mouth advertising, more families will come looking for a similar experience.

Read on for a few ways to take your space from mundane to magical! Or skip to ideas for:

Themed Decor for a Small Office

For offices where space is a precious commodity, start your theming with wall murals. Murals are a great way to inject some fun into a space and require zero footprint to do so. Murals aren’t limited to just your walls; our colorful graphics can be applied to check-in counters, doors, cabinetry, windows, company vehicles, and more!

Check out this undersea office decor. It takes up no additional room than your normal cabinets and mirrors would.

Our custom murals are expertly curated to fit any space, taking any permanent fixture into consideration – light switches, outlets, doorways, etc. You’ll never have to worry about a cute character’s face being covered up by the thermostat!

And if you have no open wall space… don’t forget about your windows!

If you’d like to have some 3D elements in your office, but you’re worried about them taking up too much space, we recommend products like brushing mirrors or themed benches that replace their ‘regular’ counterparts. This combination results in an exciting office with zero extra space required.

If you’re looking for characters, a few smaller critters can fit into your normal decor and create a lot of humour. Like this thieving raccoon and peeping squirrel.

Do you have a smaller office space or a smaller budget? Why not download a PDF of our Product Guide and check out the budget-friendly products we have available in our Essentials Collection. 

You’ll find examples of murals, brushing mirrors, benches and more in our 6 most popular themes, including jungle, underwater, safari, beach, woodland, and space.

Themed Decor for a Medium Office

If you’ve got a little more room to play, your options open up even more. In addition to our recommendations for a smaller office, themed kid’s corners and play areas are among our most popular designs. You can add in some gaming stations for a variety of ages, while creating “share-worthy” photo ops that are a perfect addition to your social media feed. These extras can really enhance the experience kids have while visiting your office.

Depending on your location and exterior space available, you could also consider a character sitting on a bench outside of your practice. Our designs are built to last and can withstand outdoor elements, no matter your geographical location, from snowy winters to sunny summers. 

Exterior photo ops make for great landmarks, which not only saves space inside, but also helps make your practice easier to find from the outside. Inquisitive passers-by will likely wander into your practice, curious to know more about the services you offer.

Themed Decor for a Large Office

If you are lucky enough to have a large space, this is where the IDS team can really roll up their sleeves and help you create an unforgettable experience for your patients. As your patients move from the front of the office to the back, we can help you to enhance your theme and tell a story that keeps them engaged throughout their entire visit.

With more space comes more opportunities to get creative with your theming, such as a large-scale sculpture in your waiting area, or 3D cladding for your front desk.

You can add theming elements like ceiling characters to your treatment rooms and open bay, or deck out your waiting area with cladded benches or characters “waiting” for their own appointments. The trick is creating a space that isn’t just a room with a TV, but a secret world created just for your younger patients.

Theater rooms are also popular to keep kids occupied for longer, especially when waiting for a sibling to finish their appointment. They can be fun and educational areas.

Big or small, theming can help you to squeeze extra value out of your physical space. Our clients often describe it as a win-win-win investment – patients and their families have more fun while in your care, staff report that appointments are easier and they enjoy working in a unique environment, and the space helps to fuel positive reviews from parents which helps to accelerate the growth of the practice.

IDS is committed to helping you invest in the future success of your practice. The only question is, what kind of themed office decor can we create for you?

Check out these related resources for ideas on theming your office:

Make a BIG Impact with a SMALL Budget Using the IDS Essentials Collection

Create a Memorable Patient Experience through Dental Office Interior Design and Decor

How to Theme Your Office on a Budget

IDS theming is not an expense; it is an investment in your business.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

3 Steps to Transform Your Office Decor from Mundane to Magical

The team here at Imagination Design Studios works with healthcare providers every day. Providers who care deeply about the experience kids have while in their care, while at the same time want to build a thriving practice.

The great news is, you can have both!

Second only to clinical outcomes, patient experience is the most effective way to build a reputation for being the best. And there’s no better foundation for a great patient experience than a one-of-a-kind office to welcome young families and help create positive memories associated with their time in your care.

At IDS, we help you grow your practice by making your visits unforgettable.

And building your dream office is easier than may think. In fact, there are just five steps for transforming a mundane space into a magical place…



Explore the possibilities during a discovery session with our Creative Consultants. Then design your dream office with our expert creative team.

“The IDS team understands dentists and their spaces. It has been a great experience!”

– Dr. Beverly Largent, Former President of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry

“Working with their team of designers was very easy.”

– Dr. Karim Kanani

“I was pleased that IDS helped me right from day one and that the designers could take my ideas and run with them.”

– Dr. Leslie Jacobs


See your project come to life through regular updates from our production studio. Our project managers will guide you through the entire build process, from design to installation.

“They literally blew me away with all of their creations.”

– Dr. Michael Lateiner

“From the online meetings and the markups that explained everything from colors and foliage, to the 3D models of my characters, IDS really created a complete picture.”

– Dr. Tim Verwest


Reveal your magical new office to the amazement of your patients, their parents, and the community. Enjoy the increased exposure in glowing reviews and referrals.

“The IDS install crew have been amazing and I am so thankful for everything you guys have done to make this such an amazing and smooth endeavor.”

– Dr. Jenni Burkitt

The local newspaper will be interviewing us and publishing an article next week!”

– Shauna Henry, Office Manager

“When we opened after installing the octopus on our roof we were seeing up to 59 new patients a day.”

– Dr. Derek Thompson

There’s no doubt, bringing together your exceptional care with an exceptional environment is a winning combination. Get ready to be the first choice in your community for many years to come!

And it all starts by simply booking your free, no-obligation consultation.

Call us today to learn what is possible for your practice. 1-888-884-4102

IDS theming is not an expense; it is an investment in your business.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.



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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

How to Attract Staff to Your Dental Practice… and Keep Them!

How to Theme Your Space on a Budget

Theming an entire office can be a daunting prospect financially, especially if you’re a new grad or if you’ve just opened your first business. But trust us when we say we have something for everyone – and something for all budgets. All of our themed elements are custom built so prices vary depending on design, scope, and complexity. We have created themed spaces from $5,000 to over $800,000. Each design, big or small, serves the same purpose: relaxing your patients and increasing new patient referrals.

Explore Your Financing Options

Not all of our clients just have $100,000 burning a hole in their pocket. The majority finance their theming through local funders. IDS products can be included in your building cost, which makes talking to your bank easy. Bank of America has been a fan of IDS for years and specializes in loans for dentists.

Adding theming into your marketing budget can work as well. After all, theming has proven to be more helpful at gaining new patients than traditional advertising such as newspaper ads, TV commercials, and radio spots.

Try Our Pre-Designed Murals in Our Essentials Collection

If you’re only going to do one thing to transform your space add murals! Those on a budget can check out our pre-designed murals for a more affordable mural option. Murals are a great place to start your theming, and the murals from our Essentials Collection make that even easier to do.

Some other products for the Essentials Collection

Dr. Joe Nguyen became a customer of ours many years ago by starting out with a couple of our pre-designed products. He has since expanded into 2 new offices with fully immersive floor to ceiling themes.

“I wanted to start small with my first office so I put a few pieces in certain areas [a mural and 2 brushing mirrors]. For my second office, I went all out with a completely WOW kid’s play area and put murals and some custom 3D in lots of the treatment rooms.

Next, I will be expanding the theming in my first office and I plan on doing another fully themed IDS office that will be super cool. I can’t wait. I love IDS. It is so much fun to work with them and I would love to do this all the time!”

– Dr. Joe Nguyen 

Interested in our Essentials Collection? Download a PDF of our Product Guide to help inspire your own office transformation.

We are continuing to add to our line of pre-designed murals. Our newest addition is a line of stylish contemporary murals – perfect for offices that see a variety of patients, both young and old.

Stay on Budget with Multi-Stage Theming

You can also consider multi-stage theming – get your favorite pieces now and do a second install later as your budget allows. We have seen a number of clients use this option successfully and theme in stages according to their budget and circumstances. Start in the reception area and add to the treatment area later, or add a gaming tablet before adding a whole play area. Do what works best for you.

If you’re a new grad who wants theming but is just starting out then we recommend theming in stages as well. You can start small with murals, a brushing mirror, and even a photo op to help promote your business. We’ll be ready to add more when you are! We can even draw sketches for your office with a final stage in mind so you know that your early theming will fit your expansion as you continue to theme.

An important aspect to remember about IDS theming is that our murals and 3D sculptures are built to last. Old pieces will stand the test of time and look great next to new additions, allowing you to have a cohesive look as you expand.

Our steel-reinforced props are hard coated with the toughest and most durable protective coating in the industry. It flexes with the weight of active kids and stands up to their abuse. Our 3M murals are made of the same material used on graphic vehicle wraps. If it can handle rocks on the highway it can handle kids!

Check out 2 of our clients who did multi-stage theming. Here’s what they thought of this option.

Dr. Morgan, who started small on his first office out of school, and Dr. Lateiner, who expanded his office space and his theming along with it.

“As a relatively new residency graduate, I decided to theme my office in two stages. I had just purchased a long-standing, successful pediatric dental office but was still budget-conscious. Dave and his team at IDS made the entire process from start to finish incredibly easy. He guided me towards what would be most cost-effective but would also give the most dramatic first impression for my patients seeing the office for the first time. Therefore, my new patients were able to experience an exciting office from day one.

My first phase consisted of my reception desk and murals. The murals allowed for maximal coverage while not over-extending my initial budget.

Less than one year later we started sketches for my second phase which consisted of a custom tablet game tower, murals, faux windows, Chew on This, as well as some custom 3D wall art.

I would recommend IDS and multi-staging their office theming project to any budget-conscious dentist and am very happy with my results. IDS will most definitely theme my second office!”

– Dr. Bryan Morgan

“I wasn’t planning on opening my second stage for a few more years but things were going so well that when space opened up next door, we jumped on it. We’re not only thrilled with the return we’ve received, but we’ve already booked future projects with IDS.

All of our expectations have been exceeded and we can attribute a large amount of our success to our IDS design. Working with IDS has been an amazing experience – the best part of building both of my practices!”

– Dr. Michael Lateiner

At Imagination Design Studios, there really is something for everyone, and we happily work within your budget! There is affordable pediatric office decor available to you. Contact our Creative Consultants to explore the best options for your office, your space, and your budget.

Check out these related resources for ideas on theming your office:

Make a BIG Impact with a SMALL Budget Using the IDS Essentials Collection

Whether Your Office is Big or Small, We Have Options to Theme It All

IDS theming is not an expense; it is an investment in your business.

Invest in Your Patients

Valuing your patients and their families sets them up for a lifetime of positive health outcomes. And the environment you create can help you achieve a better patient experience.

  • Reduce patient anxiety and enhance their relaxation
  • Prime patients and families for their appointments
  • Create positive dental care experiences

Invest in Your Business

Maintain your edge in the crowded dental service space. Attention to details in your niche can transform your environment and overall patient satisfaction…whatever your dental niche.

  • Create “buzz” in the community you serve
  • Accelerate patient referrals
  • Generate positive online reviews

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to magical patient experience.



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Unlocking Success: Tips and Tricks for Applying for Grants

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Keep Guests on Track with 7 Types of Fun Wayfinding Signage for Pediatric Healthcare Spaces




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