3 Styles of Fun Waiting Room Seating Ideas

The truth is, no one likes waiting for their appointment. Despite that fact, waiting is an unavoidable part of receiving care, and whether it be for 2 minutes or 20, there are ways to make even those first moments of the appointment more exciting.

To add a bit of fun to a reception area, you can start from the very chairs your patients are sitting on.

Everyone can take advantage of updated seating, whether it be a simple space needing a pop of color, or a fully themed office wanting to immerse their patients even further in their custom decor. Your guests won’t want to sit on a boring office chair when they’re surrounded by an underwater pirate adventure, so why not make patients feel like a part of the action by letting them sit in the scenery?

To help you bring some creativity to an unexpected place like your waiting room chairs, we’ve assembled a collection of our favorite seating projects for dental and medical offices that maximize your seating space and maximize fun!


Bench seating is both space and patient-efficient and doesn’t require a ton of square footage to fit a whole lot of guests. Plus it allows families or groups to sit together more comfortably than a row of chairs.

In this fun barnyard themed kids’ playroom, we created hay bales benches to transport kids to the farm while they enjoy a movie or play on a wall-mounted gaming station. Subtle rope ties space off the individual seats while still making visitors feel like they’re home on the range.

Adding a photo op character is another great way to make your bench seating fun (and great for some interactive marketing). Patients will love sitting next to this friendly elephant and maybe take a look over his shoulder to see what he’s reading.

Adding a logo or a sign to a seating area with a photo op creates a great opportunity for organic marketing. Parents will want to show off pictures of their “Cavity Free” kids sitting with a friendly octopus to their friends and family and as a result, your logo will be posted all over their social feeds.

Building seating into your themed sculptures is a must for any fully themed office. This bench seating looks right at home with matching log supports and a cute sculpted leopard head peeking out of the trunk. Kids can make themselves comfortable and play on the mounted gaming stations while sitting right next to their parents.

For a larger space, bench seating can take on a life of its own as the centerpiece of your office. This client incorporated both an exciting jungle adventure scene and a live fish tank into their bench seating. It’s like peering through a rushing waterfall. Practical and entertaining!


Circular benches are a beautiful and immersive way to incorporate your theme into your seating while creating a memorable centerpiece. Adding centerpiece seating to an existing area invigorates the space effortlessly.

There is a reason the tree is a classic centerpiece to circular seating. They evoke feelings of calm and relaxation. Who hasn’t lounged under lush tree cover in a park or a forest? Your patients have it made in the shade while in your waiting room. One focal point tree is a great and simple way to keep up the illusion of the forest without sacrificing practical seating area if you are low on floor space. 

For an extra interactive bonus, you can add a tunnel feature for kids to keep themselves busy while they wait for their appointment.

But it’s not all about trees. There are so many ways to incorporate other themes, like ocean or beach, into your seating area! Whether it be a breezy beachside scene with a lighthouse centerpiece or an elaborate deep-sea coral sculpture, you can incorporate the ocean easily into your circular seating.

Above or below the waves, patients will be able to enjoy a day at the beach right in your waiting room.

If you have high ceilings, circular centerpiece seating is one of the best options to accentuate that open area. Seating doesn’t have to be a huge statement piece to be impressive, a small touch can be just as impactful, like this adorable squirrel corner bench.

Create that wow piece that takes your reception area from just a waiting room to a “wow” room! 


Stools are the perfect seating addition for children waiting in your reception area. Easy to move around and incredibly space-efficient, stools are a simple and cost-effective way to dress up your office.

Log sculpted stools fit in woodland settings with their simple, rustic design – they’re certainly a favorite of ours.

Stools are also an incredible asset when immersing guests in a fully themed space. These colorful aliens look like they’re popping right out of craters in an asteroid while offering comfort and support for each kid’s gaming station. What a blast!

Talk about functional decor! Stools are perfect for any gaming area where you want children to sit back and relax while they are waiting.

Who knew stools could have so much character? This springtime waiting area utilized their rolly polly worm character as comfortable seating that blends in perfectly with their theme.

Updating your office can be as easy as bringing in new and fun seating for your patients to enjoy. Whether it be a simple sculpted bench or a custom centerpiece with surrounding circular seating, updated seating can transform your existing office decor or immerse your guests in an overall theme.

Check out more inspiring seating and decor ideas for your office:

Unique Bench and Stool Seating Ideas for Dental and Medical Offices

Dental Office Interior Design and Decor Tips

Ready to stand out from the competition? Don’t hesitate to reach out and one of our Creative Consultants will be happy to help you choose the most eye-catching seating that works with your unique space!



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

Our Top 4 Attention Grabbing Building Exterior Ideas

Be honest – would you rather your patients say they booked with your practice just because it’s closest to their house or because their kids can’t stop talking about the giant octopus on the roof and they had to come? The answer is obvious.

Transforming your office from a regular building to a legendary local landmark can be as simple as adding incredible external decor that parents and kids won’t be able to drive past without stopping for photos.

Whether it be subtle window decals that make your office seem like it’s hidden deep in the jungle, or a 20-foot tall elephant busting through the wall and into the street, nothing says “fun” quite like well themed exterior signage.

Our clients can’t stop talking about how their external creations changed their practice for the better, so we wanted to showcase a few of our favorite examples to get your ideas flowing!

Why Add External Signage to Your Building?

It’s the ultimate tried and true advertising technique.

If you want to attract new business and become the #1 choice in your community, your community needs to know about you first! Sure, a sign is fine but to stand out from the competition and truly use your brand as a tool, you need to think outside the box.

Think of your exterior design as a silent salesperson. Themed windows or photo op sculptures are constantly working day and night to differentiate your practice from others, letting everyone know that what you’re doing is new and exciting.

Not only is it making your commitment to fun and high-quality obvious to anyone driving by, but it also helps potential patients locate your business.

“Telling patients it is the clinic with the giraffe and alligator is an easy visual landmark to help them find us. This has helped get new patients through the doors.

– Sheryl Wright, family nurse practitioner 

A strong impression will stick like glue, and with the right amount of intrigue in your design, a new guest might not even need to navigate on their phone to your location. They already know where your office is since they’ve passed by your adorable bear sculpture a hundred times, and maybe even stopped to take a picture.

There’s no other way to say it: Attention-grabbing exterior decor makes your business stand out!


The ultimate in external decor, your practice will be seen for miles around with a powerful and fun rooftop landmark! If you have the space (meaning no upstairs neighbors) or your building-mates are ready to be injected with some professional whimsy too, there is no better choice than a rooftop landmark to stand apart from the competition.

Creative multi-character sculptures can stay on theme, like this adorable cast of jungle characters helping each other brush and floss: 

Smiling faces peering down from the rooftops are both fun and also more inviting for nervous kids on their way to the dentist:

“I had my staff track every new customer for six months by asking them what it was that brought them to our practice. At the time, I had been spending as much as six thousand dollars per month on newspaper ads, TV commercials and even radio spots. I would have been happy had my new investment been responsible for 50% of the new patients tracked. You could have knocked me over with a feather when the results came in… a full 94% cited the theming above my entrance!”

– Dr. Chuck Hughes, dentist

Or what about this eye-catching octopus that is easy to see from miles around? Both the interior and exterior are underwater themed in this show-stopping clinic, and the cherry on top is no doubt their curious rooftop cephalopod.

“When we opened after installing the octopus on our roof we were seeing up to 59 new patients a day.”

– Dr. Derek Thompson, dentist and owner of 7 themed iffices


Like rooftop landmarks, ground level landmarks can be seen for miles around and really define your practice in the community. They also act as a great way to bring your guests in on the action, encouraging them to take photos with incredible sculptures they can reach and pose with.

Ground level landmarks can be built right into the wall, alluding to the theme inside or placed close to the road to draw potential patients. Create a visual story like this high-octane barnyard chase:

Or a smashing vignette like this jungle trio in a Jeep:

See more showstopping decor, inside and out, in this undersea office.


Fun meets function in any photo op! Not only is a photo op sculpture perfect as a centerpiece to your external decor, it’s a great way for your guests to do the marketing for you. Encourage online photo competitions by giving incentives to patients for posing with your sculpture. Or, take advantage of social media obsessed parents who would love a cute shot of their kid smiling and cavity free after their check up, arm and arm with a grinning turtle.

Photo ops can be placed at the front door of your office as a friendly greeting:

Or a whimsical addition to practical outdoor bench seating:

Show off your theme before guests walk through the door with a fun exterior photo op!


If you’ve decided to theme your office interior, exterior window decals are the perfect finishing touch to really bring the environment together. You’re literally wrapping your office in your theme! It’s also a sneaky way to create some intrigue in the minds of potential patients. If the outside looks like a sunny day at the beach:

Or a safari adventure:

– it’s literally a window into another world.

Window decals on their own are great as an exciting and eye-catching addition, advertising to anyone driving by that there’s tons of fun to be had inside.

THE BENEFITS OF Exterior Office Decor

External office decor is the perfect way to start telling your brand story before your patients even walk through the door. It’s eye-catching, innovative, and memorable in a way that few other marketing tactics are.

As they say, “if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it” and businesses have been utilizing fun signage and external decor as long as business has existed. It works for a reason! Externally theming your practice with playful and fun characters is a striking and effective way to tell onlookers just how special and incredible your office is. Needless to say, it was hard to choose our favorites. Which one is yours?

Ready to become a local legend in your community? Landmarks are a great part of an IDS Environment™. One of our Creative Consultants would love to help you transform your environment. Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started.



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

5 Ideas to Add Creativity to Your Dental Practice Digital Marketing

The secret to successful dental practice marketing is more than just the flash and fanfare of one single eye-catching campaign. Yes, bright colors and bold text are vital to grabbing people’s attention, but a truly great dental practice marketing campaign requires more than just a few social media posts.

Common Mistakes

Take a look at most dental practice marketing content and familiarize yourself with the competition. You might notice a few repeated things if you look with a critical eye.

  • It’s feature-heavy, meaning it suffers from “-est syndrome” (think greatest, latest, best, etc.)
  • It’s often loaded with dental jargon. Your colleagues will love it, but the public? Not so much!
  • It’s crowd focused, not individual focused. The text reads like you’re speaking to the masses instead of being too “you” – writing to the reader.

Those three observations alone are the relative norm for dental practice marketing. While this may not be the case for all practices, most could improve their marketing with a focus on:

  • Benefits over features.
  • Content that’s conversational.
  • Speaking to “one” person, making the text feel more personal.

Rethink Your Creativity

What ties together these three fixes? A focus on being yourself! The key is positioning your dental practice marketing in a way that feels unique and personal.

While it may seem like common sense, it takes some major courage to step away from the crowd and try something new and different. Sure, it’s easy to use templated marketing strategies and follow how-to guides line by line but if you want long-lasting results you need to get personal. These are for the offices that want more than one-and-done visits. You want long-term referrals from devoted patients!

There’s so much dental practice marketing “noise” out there, that it is essential to carve out your niche in the industry with personal touches. This need is also incredibly timely.

COVID-19 changed the marketing game for us all over the last year and a half, as well as the way dentistry is done. Stop us if you’ve had these conversations with your team this year.

  • “We have to start doing dentistry differently.”
  • “We need to find new ways to engage with our patients.”

Sound familiar? Not only have you had to make major changes over the last few months, but you’ve also had to evaluate the best way to appeal to the public need and desire for dental services. With all these changes in the marketing sphere and our world at large, it’s safe to say we’re in a new era of dentistry.

How do you use that to your advantage? Let’s focus on a few core ideas!


Idea #1: Add Some SEO Muscle to Your Dental Practice Website

It’s not an over-exaggeration to say that your practice’s website is perhaps the most important tool in your marketing toolbox. Now more than ever, your website is the first thing a potential patient will ever see or know about your team – however, setting up a website is more than just purchasing your domain (as much as we wish it was that easy).

You have to optimize! If you’ve heard the term SEO (search engine optimization) before, then you know the tip of this marketing iceberg. It’s part – but not all of a healthy website.

Optimizing your site requires some serious creative thinking.

  • See your website as an entire usable platform rather than a simple IP address on the internet.
  • Maximize your website environment just as much as your office environment. Just like your in-person space, your website is where people and patients connect, interact, and engage with your services. Take the same time and care with your website as you do with your office.
  • Offer free downloadable content and resources to your website for your existing and potential patients, just as you would have brochures in your office. Name the content after key search words that patients would be searching for online.
  • Have a FAQ or question and answer area that you can fill with SEO-friendly keywords along with helpful info for your patients.
  • Write a blog full of useful knowledge and keywords to help your website rank higher in searches.

Idea #2: Constantly Evaluate Your Web Design

Evaluating your site is where your creativity can be applied!

  • Design your website around visitor appeal. 90% of web based users form their opinion about a website based on design, so this step is critical[1].
  • Make sure your site is uncluttered and easy to navigate. Is the phone number and address easy to find? Is there a big call to action directing patients to book an appointment? Make the most important info the most obvious and easy to find.
  • Confirm that your site is up to date with both desktop and mobile capabilities. Google will penalize a website that is not optimized for mobile and you will not rank highly in searches. 

Remember! 38% of site visitors will click away if the website design is difficult to navigate or looks unappealing[2].

Idea #3: Engage Your Site Visitors and Current Patients with Patient-relevant Solutions

  • Before you create and publish content, ask yourself: is this useful to my patients? This will help you answer real questions and solve common problems a regular visitor may have about their oral health.
  • Add an online scheduling portal. This addition is time-saving and convenient and will make appointment requests easier than ever. Eliminate all the barriers you can!
  • Give your readers a reason to care about oral health benefits with attractive images and fun video content. Visual media is powerful so be sure to use it to your advantage!
  • Provide patients the opportunity to securely make payments, request prescriptions, and complete necessary appointment forms online.
  • Increase visitor and patient communication access with real-time chat and messaging apps built into your site.
  • Add or update your Google My Business profile to give the public and patients another online access point.

Idea #4: Define Yourself as an Industry Leader with a Dental Blog

Fresh, useful content published on a routine schedule will set your dental practice website and marketing apart from your competition.


Creating original content takes time that many other practices are unwilling to invest. While it may seem daunting, the long-term payoff is worth your investment! Coming up with topics to write about is the biggest roadblock for many practices. Be creative and leverage these blog content ideas:

  • Confront current events, myths, inaccurate data, and the numerous assumptions about dental care. Search newsfeeds, popular opinion articles, etc while bringing your own expertise to the narrative. People love relevant content – so keep on top of the news!
  • Share tips on routine dental topics like whitening, brushing, or flossing. Look for a fresh angle or technique on each and give your website visitors something they can use to improve their health or lifestyle.
  • You’re the expert, so make a FAQ section! Answer common and routine questions that the public and your patients are often searching for or asking about.

Idea #5: Make Friends with Your Community on Social Media

Social media is the modern day gathering place. Not a moment goes by that your “audience” (you included) isn’t checking one or many social media channels.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube, Reddit… The list goes on! It’s where people go to hang out, read their news, form opinions, show off their skills, communicate, comment, and generally interact with each other in our modern world.

Using social media in a creative way needs to be a major factor in your dental practice marketing. Your patients are online, so you need to be too if you want to maintain a lasting, relevant connection.

  • Use your fresh blog content (or a newsletter) and provide teasers on your practice’s social media feed. This will draw your community back to your website.
  • Post attention-grabbing statistics, visuals, infographics, or short videos. We are a visual species, so take advantage of it!
  • Tell a compelling dental success story using “before and after” images of a client.
  • Encourage more dental reviews for your practice by sharing recent positive testimonials.
  • Host Facebook “live” events on specific dental topics.
  • Show your local community vibe by sharing local milestones, events, and more. Remind your patients that you’re a part of their community.
  • Let your social media community see the real you by posting team pictures and videos.
  • … And that’s just a start!

As you create, never forget:

Your desire for long-term patient loyalty should be the engine that powers your dental practice marketing creativity.

Check out these related resources to generate ideas and create a dental marketing strategy for your practice:

3 Reasons Why Your Dental Practice Should Pivot to Digital Marketing

The Best Dental Marketing Tactics and Strategy

Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to a magical patient experience.

[1] Statistics on User Experience

[2] Web Design Statistics



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Top 11 Creative Reception Desks

It’s the first and last thing your patients see when they walk through the door of your office, so why not make it exciting? Your reception desk is the first point of contact for any visitor to your practice, new and returning. It acts as the focal point of your office space, drawing the eye to the administration team and guiding anxious new patients who may not know where to check-in.

For these reasons, if you want to bring some fresh new excitement to your office, the obvious first place to start is the reception desk! We’ve created hundreds over the years, but let’s narrow down some of our favorites.


1. Frigid and Fun Front Reception

The immersive sculptures and murals in this desk design will make you feel like you’re part of the action! By utilizing the desk space itself, it looks like the reception was carved right out of a glacier with snowy overhang still intact. Even the floor is exciting, allowing guests to follow the bear paw prints and penguin flippers directly from check-in to their appointment. Not only is it fun, but also a great distraction for kids who may be nervous.

The treatment area in this office is as cool as the desk.

2. Under the Sea Whale Welcome Desk

This reception desk is the ultimate example of a show-stopping entrance to your office. From the vibrant colors to the life-sized whale, be prepared to have pictures of your front desk plastered all over social media!

Immersive, colorful, and fun, this beautiful front desk has it all. Sculpted seaweed pillars are built right into a beautiful coral reef desk that incorporates both custom 3D fish and vibrant mural work – never mind the giant 3D whale suspended from the ceiling! While not only acting as a dazzling greeting to patients, nervous children will instantly forget their fears of the doctor or dentist the moment they see the friendly whale smiling at them when they come inside.

There’s a lot more underwater decor to see in this office.

3. Zoom Around the World Reception Desk

This globetrotting reception desk has no lack of exciting features to look at! Remember at the beginning how we discussed the front desk as the focal point that sets up the entire office experience?

This jet-setting design sets the theme for the rest of the office, which features a wide variety of exotic environments – will patients prefer the treatment room set in the pyramids of Egypt or the busy streets of London? What a great way to theme your space! This unique build incorporates 3D sculptures on a 2D mural, making each piece stand out even more.

Explore the rest of the world in this dental office.

4. A Sophisticated Woodland Mural Desk

What could be better than walking through the door of your local doctor’s office and being greeted with a serene forest setting? This sophisticated silhouette combines soft greens and browns to create a beautiful and soothing environment while still feeling fun. Done entirely in a 2D mural, the depth of this inviting forest will have patients coming back again and again.

We love this reception desk mural for more teen and adult-oriented environments that still want a unique design.

5. A Simple Seaside Check-in Desk

You don’t have to dive too deep with theming to make a huge impact! The adorable dolphin mural covers the entire front wall, and 3D sculpted dock supports transport any guest to a beachy seaside vacation upon arrival.

Check out the rest of this beach themed reception area.

6. A Fantastical Castle Adventure Reception Desk

This reception desk is like entering a portal into a magical world! From floor to ceiling, the inquisitive dragon and stacks of books will keep kids entertained while their parents schedule their next appointment. For this build, we incorporated 3D characters everywhere possible, utilizing not only desk and wall space, but ceiling tiles as well! The extra book sculpts on the counter really bring the theme to life, allowing staff and patients alike to get in on the adventure. 

Tip: can you find the Dental Care for Dragons book? 

Like this desk? Check out the entire magical office here.

7. Pirates in the Bayou Welcome Desk

Visual storytelling is a great way to decorate your front reception. In this exciting pirate themed example, kids and parents alike will love the eager crocodile gazing at the eye-patch clad turtle – a great character to grab a photo with while waiting for their appointment. In the background mural, we see a pirate ship silhouette. Is it a pirate ship full of pirate turtles? Who knows! It leaves enough to the imagination to excite any child waiting for their checkup.

Not only is this desk ideal for storytelling, the incorporation of 3D characters both to the side and on the desk itself really brings it to life. Plus, a convenient “welcome” sign guides new patients effortlessly!

There’s more to see in this bayou office.

8. Tropical and Technicolor Reception Desks

Ocean themed desks are one of our most popular designs, and it’s easy to see why! This bright and fun reception desk area is filled with fantastical 2D murals and 3D elements that liven the space instantly. We even themed the dividing walls to look like ocean waves! Can you spot the baby fish?

Explore the rest of this deep sea office decor here.

9. Explore Shipwreck Cove Desk and Bonus Play Area

This bright and colorful reception desk also doubles as the entrance to the kids play area, the perfect example of an IDS Space™! Utilizing the combined reception desk and play area spaces, this entirely 3D shipwreck themed archway makes it feel like you’re entering a whole new world of undersea adventure, while keeping the rest of the waiting area geared towards adults. Not only is this fun for your guests, but your staff will also love feeling like they’re part of the undersea action too.

10. Welcome to the Savannah Desk

We love the way playful animals are used as functional supports in this safari themed reception area. It also acts as a great example that not all custom theming has to be an entire overhaul – the original tile design on the front of the desk was kept while the new design elements were created to surround it.  The tall giraffe also acts as a playful photo op, while the thatched roof makes the entire experience feel more immersive.

Click here to tour the rest of this safari office.

11. A Dino-mite Dinosaur Themed Desk

This desk will make your guests feel like they’re part of an exciting archaeological dig! Dinosaurs are a favorite for young and old, so the combination of partially excavated fossils and hanging pterodactyls are both fun and visually engaging. Bonus! The 3D fossils create an exciting sensory experience for children to touch while they wait. This client opted to incorporate their business name into their front desk, and this was seamlessly done by painting each letter to look like the ancient rocks surrounding it.

There’s more to uncover at this dino dig, check out the rest of the dinosaur-themed office here.

Transforming your space is as easy as theming your front desk with a magically creative touch. New patients will instantly know they made the right choice when they see the effort that you have put into your office, while existing patients will recommend your practice to all their friends. Before you know it, referrals will sound like “I go to the doctor with the giraffe at the front desk”!

Interested in more decor and interior design ideas for your office? Check out these resources:

Amazing Reception Desks by IDS 

Create a Memorable Patient Experience through Dental Office Interior Design and Decor

Alleviating Patient Anxiety Through Office Theming



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Color and Light in Interior Spaces for Children with Autism

Enhancing ABA Therapy Centers with Themed Decor

Tips for Adding Themed Decor to Your Church

8 Color Schemes and What They Mean for Your Office Vibe

When designing your dream office, there is nothing more important than attention to detail. From the light fixtures to the baseboards, no feature is too small. But what about your color choice? How impactful is color? Simple answer? Very!

When you consider the volume of dental and medical office color schemes available to choose from, color just might turn out to be the most important and difficult choice you make.

Before you head to the hardware store to gather paint swatches, read over our quick how-to guide and decide just what kind of vibe you want your patients to feel when they come in for an appointment. Think of it like hacking the brain with color!


 It might seem irrelevant to put so much energy into color choice, especially after hours of looking at color pallets – chartreuse starts to look like seafoam. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and make snap decisions, but don’t underestimate the psychological impact of color!

  • Color taps into emotion.
  • Color influences behavior and mood.
  • Color can influence efficiency.
  • Color can help reduce fatigue.
  • Color is visually stimulating.

Your team and patients might not have a verbal reaction to your color choice, but it has a subtle effect that will likely be noticeable in their subconscious mood from the moment they walk in your office.


Color scheming isn’t about playing favorites. Red might be your favorite color, but does it make sense for your space? The design decision process requires being more intuitive and less worried about personal preference. What do you want your patients to feel when they arrive to your office? Relaxed? Excited? Energized? You choose!

Pro Tip: Be mindful about it.

Color mindfulness means understanding there’s an entire psychology (yes, there really is) behind choosing the right hue. To become more fluent in color mindfulness, here are eight popular color schemes and what they communicate to your patients.


These eight color profiles provide an overview of popular colors and their unique “personalities”. Keep in mind that certain tones and hues can be adapted and mixed to create the exact vibe you’re going for, but on their own, each color has its own distinct power.

1.  Blue

Think caaaaalm and tranquility. Blue ranks high in popularity on the color grid due to its versatility and vast array of beautiful shades. It’s an easy choice for any office space. We feel relaxed just thinking about it!

A blue environment is soothing and creates a feeling of serenity and peace. It’s also common to experience a lowering of blood pressure when looking at the color blue– and in tough or scary situations especially for kids and nervous parents, lower blood pressure is a huge bonus. It’s no wonder our underwater themed spaces are so popular Certain tones of blue, such as navy or royal blue can also promote tradition, loyalty, and reliability.

2. Brown

Looking for an earthy, inviting vibe? Go with shades of brown! A brown themed color scheme has a natural, cozy feeling that helps patients slow down and relax.

Deeper, richer browns can also create feelings of togetherness and intimacy. An expert tip when working with browns is not to underestimate its ability as a base color. Brown tones love to blend in with other textures or colors, so it’s easy to mix and match with alternative designs you like. Brown tones are great for creating cozy woodland themed spaces.

3. Gray

While it’s easy to see gray as a dull or overly serious color, its superpower is as a perfect wash of relaxation. Like blue, grey has a calming presence known to lower blood pressure and create an environment of serenity that your patients will love.

In addition, grey is a perfect neutral color. It acts as a great background color or can be used as an accent to brighten more vibrant hues around it. A grey treatment room with a brightly colored chair can look very sleek and modern.

4. Green

We’re green with envy if you choose a green themed office! Green is another popular choice that inspires vitality and makes your patients feel more in tune with nature. It’s a great stress-relieving color, and any and all shades will always feel fresh and clean.

Lush, light tones can encourage feelings of playfulness and vitality, while richer hues feel restful and safe.

Green doesn’t just have to be a paint or chair color, it can be found in plants and scenery. Luscious jungle scenes come to life with green plants and trees.

5. Orange

Orange is a loud and excitable color, so use it with caution! Stimulating and bright, this summery hue encourages action. This unbeatable energy often works better as an entryway or transitional color to bring the mood up when first entering the office, but not always the best choice throughout. It works great as an accent color in safari themed spaces for kids.

6. Yellow

Yellow is energizing in all the right ways. If you are looking for a bright, warm pop of color for your space, yellow is the best choice to do so. Yellow works to open the mind and increases mental productivity through its energizing demeanor without becoming overwhelming. Is there a happier color out there? We don’t think so! Try it in a warm backyard scene.

Try using shades of yellow in accent decor like throw pillows or wall art. Paint the walls in a consultation room or staff break room, not necessarily your treatment area – yellow still has a particular connotation when it comes to dentistry – no one wants yellow teeth!

7. Purple

If you want your dental or medical office to feel modern or mysterious, purple is the color for you. Darker tones like plum or mauve can create a sophisticated atmosphere whereas softer lilac and lavender feel chic and relaxing. Purple is a great accent color – either for an accent wall or for decor pieces around your office.

Bright purple is great if you want to create an outer space or magical fantasy feel for a kids area in your office.

8. Red

Red is a cannonball of adrenaline for any space. Like orange, this powerful color often works better as a transitional or accent color so as not to conjure up feelings of aggression or stress. Red is often associated with anger (or a blood tooth, ick), so use this hue sparingly. Pair it with other warm colors, like shades of brown, to create a warm cozy atmosphere. Pair it with white for a bold statement. Use it in western or barn themed office spaces for a warm and cozy space for children.


While it’s easy to want to choose just one color, we recommend that you select a few bright shades in addition to a dominant, neutral color to cover the largest space in your office. Go for a simple base like grey or white and use accent hues that create specific moods or tones to craft the perfect vibe for your office.

Our #1 suggestion? Choose colors that are calming or productivity-enhancing. Bluesgreens, or light purples could be the key to a trustworthy office space your patients will be happy to come back to again and again. It’s no wonder our underwater themed spaces are so popular! The ocean blue is as calming as it is playful.

Check out these design-themed resources to upgrade your patient experience and rejuvenate your office environment:

6 Dental Office Images That Show How Intentional Design Impacts Patient Experience

3 Steps to Transform Your Office Decor from Mundane to Magical

Create a Memorable Patient Experience through Dental Office Interior Design and Decor

Feel like you’ve painted yourself into a corner? One of our Creative Consultants would love to help. Contact Imagination Design Studios (IDS) to get started transforming your office from a mundane to a magical patient experience.



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